< Kung Fu Panda 2

Kung Fu Panda 2/Funny

  • Mr. Ping mentioned that when Po was little, he ate his imported bamboo furniture.
    • Not to mention "I took you inside, fed you, gave you a bath, and fed you again...and again, and tried to put some pants on you. And then I made a decision that would change my life forever. To make my soup without radishes, and to raise you as my own son. Xiao Po, my little panda."
    • The painting of Ping giving baby Po a piggyback ride. It goes about as well as you'd expect.
  • Po's Bear Hug to Tigress after the climax, mimicking her earlier Cooldown Hug for him, accentuated by the Five's absolutely astounded expressions both times (particularly Crane's). The clincher is that during the second time, Ox and Croc are just as stunned.
  • When Po pulls a Big Damn Heroes moment to rescue the Five before the climax, he challenges Shen from the top of a rooftop to the waterway below. But given the height, neither Shen nor his men can understand what Po's saying.

Po: (challenges are heard in mumbles at the bottom)
Shen: WHAT?!


  • When Po first meets the Soothsayer

Po: Look, I don't know who you are, but please stand aside sir.
Viper: That's a lady.
Po: Oh!... Sorry! The beard threw me, it's kind of misleading. False advertising...

  • When Po and Tigress have the heart-to-heart/training session on the boat.

Po: I just found out that my dad isn't really my dad.
Tigress: ...your dad?
Po: (nods)
Tigress: The goose.
Po: (nods again)
Tigress: (no change of tone or expression whatsoever) ...That must have been quite a shock.

  • Lord Shen is practicing the speech he'll give to a defeated Po. Then a huge shadow appears on the staircase, accompanied by growls and panting. Shen nervously reaches for one of his knives and...it turns out to be one of his gorilla Mooks carrying Po, exhausted from the dozens of stairs leading up to Shen's throne room.

Shen: Greetings, Panda, we meet at--
Po: (interrupting, barely glancing at him) Hey, how ya doin'?
Shen: *incredibly annoyed look* H-hey...

    • Not to mention the line leading up to this scene:

Po: My old enemy... stairs.

Po: Hey.
Wolf: Hey.
Double Take. "Hey You!" Haymaker. Po drags wolf into costume's mouth, and he and the Five beat him up and toss him out the back AKA Dragon eats wolf and craps him out.

Rabbit kid witnessing the above: Eeeugh!

    • Then the poor kid sees the dragon grab a sheep lady to ask it a question and proceeds to freak right out.
    • When Po and the Five then proceed to beat up Shen's wolf minions (long story short) Pac-Man style! Heck, the entire chase through Gongmen can count as this, like the rickshaw chase between Po and the Wolf Boss.
  • Mantis's Badass Boast after snuffing out the fuse to Shen's cannon: "Fear the bug!"
  • The blink-and-you'll-miss-it "I got my eye on you" gesture Po delivers to Shen right before his final blow at the end.
  • Po (in Slow Motion): "I love you guys!"
  • Mantis claiming that his dad had his head bitten off by his mom - then later saying that he'd wanted to have the same fate.
  • Right after the Crowning Moment of Awesome where Po catches and hurls a cannonball he realizes that his paw is on fire and tries to put it out. He succeeds by stuffing it in his mouth.
  • In one scene, Po asks his adoptive father where he came from, and....

Shifu: At last, you have achieved inner peace...and at such a young age.

Po: I had a good teacher.

  • "Inner peace." (raindrop) "Pea..." (raindrop) "Inner peace." (raindrop) "AAARRRRRARGRRAUGRRHHHHH!!" (more raindrops, beat) "RRRRRARGRRAUGRRHHHHH!!" (Po starts beating his head on the mast) "Inner peace! Inner peace! Innerpeaceinnerpeaceinnerpeaceinnerpeaceinnerpeacerrarrugrarrhghh!"
    • SPLASH!
    • (Raindrop)
  • Shifu reflects on Oogway selecting Po back in the previous movie, and not even trying to sugarcoat it even when Po is right there.
  • "What signs? So...(bonk)...many...(bonk)...signs..."
  • The bean bun scene at the start of the movie.
  • Among the many questions Po has about his mysterious childhood, he wants to know why he didn't like pants.
  • Soothsayer takes a bite out of Lord Shen's robes. When he tells her not to do that, she waits for a while before doing it again.
    • Her "fortune-telling" in that scene.

Soothsayer: If you continue on your current path, you will find yourself...at the bottom of the stairs. I see....I see... (plucks one of Shen's feathers) Pain.
Shen: Ow!
Soothsayer: And anger. (takes a bite of Shen's robe)
Shen: How dare you! That is the finest silk in the province!
Soothsayer: Followed by denial.
Shen: This isn't fortune-telling! You're just saying what's happening right -
Soothsayer: Now?

    • And then about 30 seconds later... she does it again, to the tune of Shen's priceless combination of frustration and annoyance. "Will you stop that?!"
  • Shen and the Wolf Boss's little scene about "The Year of the Peacock".

Shen: The Year of the Peacock begins now!
Wolf Boss: Right now? But it's the middle of the year, so you'd only get, like, half a year.
Shen: (points a knife at his throat)
Wolf Boss: And this is, the Year, of course, of the Peacock. Happy New Year, sir. (Cue dorkish face.)

  • The lead-up to the fight at the musician's village.

Po: Tell those musicians to start playing some action music, cuz it is on!
Tigress: And no snack stops this time.
Po: Pfft, snack stops, haha. (beat) Wait, you're serious?

  • This troper found Wolf Boss's preoccupation with Po's fuzzy and plushy build hilarious.
  • Monkey saying he'll warn the group of any approaching threats with a "Caw-CAW, Caw-KEE!" like Crane's. Crane momentarily gets a bit huffy ("'Scuse me, when have I ever said that?"), but the payoff comes when Monkey is too distracted and lets the enemy get too close.

Po: (frustrated) Monkey!
Monkey: (Weakly) Eh-heh... caw-caw?

  • The funny exchange between Po and Shen when they first meet. (DVD Commentary states that this scene is the only scene that was done with two people in an recording room. Jack Black and Gary Oldman ladies and gents!)

Shen: The only reason you are still alive is that I find your stupidity mildly amusing.
Po: Well, thank you, but I find your evilness extremely annoying!
Shen: Who do you think you are, panda?
Po: Who do you think I am, peacock? (Both start laughing, taking turns) Why are we laughing?

  • "MONKEY! VIPER! MANTIS! CRANE! BUNNY!" Double Take by all involved.
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