< Kung Fu Panda

Kung Fu Panda/Heartwarming

  • After most of the movie has basically tricked the audience into thinking there's no way Po could possibly beat Tai-Lung, Po finally starts to believably defeat Tai-Lung with methods that are a combination of Po's physique and Shifu's own teachings. The fact that the music during this moment is "happy action music" (rather than generic bombastic music) only adds to the heartwarmingness.
  • Shifu leads Po to the Sacred Pool of Tears and asks "Do you want to learn kung fu?" When Po answers "Yeah! ...OKAY!" with all his heart, you can't help but tear up with Po when Shifu responds, "Then I am your master!" to show that he knows that the Panda is not a worthless failure, but someone whom that teacher has faith in at long last.

Shifu: (deadpan) "Don't cry."
Po: "Okay." (sniff)

  • "I'm not hungry."
  • The dinner scene where the Furious Five, although still resentful of being upstaged by Po at the choosing ceremony but have grown to respect his tenacity, all finally seriously begin to befriend the affable panda.
    • Except for Tigress, who stoically eats her tiny plate of tofu. She doesn't really accept him until the very end of the movie, in which she is the first to respectfully bow and declare him a master of kung fu.
  • When the Five are evacuating the villagers, a little bunny child is walking around Master Monkey's legs, obviously lost and confused. Monkey gently picks it up, holds it close, and says, "Come little one, let's find your mama." It's small, but it makes the warm and fuzzy feelings come in droves. Made even more so by watching Secrets Of The Furious Five, in which the five overcome various obstacles and Monkey's flaw is revealed to be lack of compassion.
  • The scenes of kitten Tai Lung when he was first being raised and trained by Shifu were absolutely, undeniably adorable, enough to make a heart of stone melt. (Which only made Shifu's flashback to him leaping in the air for a hug, just before adult Tai Lung, lost to rage and insanity, was about to smash him to a pulp, all the more of a Mood Whiplash Tear Jerker.)
  • The entire end credits serve as a Crowning Moment of Heartwarming: Po showing the Dragon Scroll to the children of the Valley, Tigress doing her own impersonation of Shifu, which pans over to show Shifu laughing, Po getting an action figure of himself, and the last scene where Shifu and Po share their dumplings, next to the sprouting peach tree that Oogway planted before leaving. It's all note perfect.
    • I'd throw in the music that plays with it, both the traditional Chinese music and the remake of "Kung Fu Fighting".
  • When Shifu declares that it's time for Po to take upon the Dragon Scroll.

Po: You really believe I'm ready?
Shifu: You are, Po.

    • Keeping in mind that this is the first time Shifu calls Po by name, instead of just "Panda."
  • Quite frankly, this is a movie with An Aesop about being yourself that actually pulls it off. The whole damn movie's basically one big CMOH.

"To make something special, you just have to believe it's special."
"There is no secret ingredient. It's just you."

  • The Dragon Scroll IS a CMOH, as stated numerous times on this page. It's supposed to contain what makes you the Dragon Warrior, the greatest fighter to ever exist in a single scroll. When it's opened... It's blank. Reflective. And of course, Po realizes what this means later on. It's you. YOU are the only person who can make yourself special. There's no special training, there's nothing you can do but be yourself. Only you can make yourself awesome, and the sooner you realize that, the better.
  • When Tigress goes off to fight Tai Lung herself, and is followed by the other Furious Five. It just shows how close they are with each other.

Viper: Tigress!
Tigress: Don't try to stop me!
Viper: We're not trying to stop you, we're going with you!
Monkey: *Thumbs up, smiling*

Secrets of the Furious Five

  • When Shifu comes to help Tigress, whose self-esteem is low that she tearfully calls herself a monster, only to have the great master firmly contradict her, "You are not a monster. You are just a little girl".
  • When Shifu adopts Tigress, knowing that no one else was willing to.
  • Viper and her father smiling at each other (it's significant, alright) after Viper had defeated the gorilla rogue.
  • I bring up Monkey's backstory, particularly after Oogway saved him from certain death.

Kung Fu Panda Holiday

  • Master Shifu comes to the restaurant and finds that true perfection he wanted at the banquet is at the informal dinner at Ping's restaurant; where the lonely have a place in a holiday where togetherness is everything. When Shifu turns to leave, feeling he does not belong, Po comes out and tries to persuade him to come in.

Shifu: Oh no, I couldn't. These are your people; this is your family.
Po: You're my family too.

  • Tigress has SEVERAL. Wishing Po a happy holiday with a genuine smile was one, feeding a baby piglet playfully another by saying, "I'm gonna get you!". Considering how much of an anti-social jerk she was in the first movie, these examples only turn the D'awwwww factor up to twelve and begin the Po/Tigress Ship Tease.

Kung Fu Panda 2

  • This little exchange at the end of the film:

Po: I know who I am.
Ping: You do?
Po: I'm your son.

  • This line:

Po: The hard core don't understand.
Tigress (lunging at Po to hug him): The hardcore do understand...but I can't watch my friend be killed.

    • Any of the Po/Tigress moments could qualify, especially in the final half
  • Oh, my God, the scenes with baby Po.
  • The Furious Five all glomping Po after he saves the day in a particularly awesome way.
  • Boss Wolf refusing to fire on his own men. Unfortunately he dies for it.

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