
Kubera Leez is a happy-go-lucky girl who has never left her isolated village for all of her life. Everything changes on her 16th birthday.

A fantasy/action Korean Webtoon about the ordeals and destiny of a girl with the name of a God. Names of deities and elements of Hindu Mythology were borrowed to create a distinctive and original fantasy setting. It is being serialized here in Korean. The author's blog is routinely updated with new information about the world and the characters; it contains major spoilers for those who have not caught up with the story yet.

Tropes used in Kubera include:
  • All There in the Manual : Author's blog
  • Amazing Technicolor Population : The sura have skin tones in shades of green, blue, and pink, in addition to the more normal skin tones ranging from pale to brown.
  • Bifauxnen: Asha. She's not even crossdressing, she walks around wearing a skirt!
  • Curtains Match the Window : Most of the main characters. Leez has teal hair and green eyes; Asha has light gray-blue hair and blue-gray eyes. Word of God says most humans have matching hair and eye colors.
  • Fantastic Racism: Against "Halves" who have more than 50% sura ancestry. The "Quarters", who have 25%~50% sura ancestry, are treated equally as humans.
  • Functional Magic : The power of the magic that humans use is borrowed from the gods (devas).
  • Girliness Upgrade: Surprisingly, Asha.
  • Hindu Mythology
  • Immortality : Comes in several different flavors for the Sura and the gods (devas).
  • Interspecies Romance : Not uncommon before the great Cataclysm. Parents of Kasak Rajof is one such pairing.
  • Not Growing Up Sucks
  • Older Than They Look : "Quarters" and "Halves" age much slower than ordinary humans.
  • Really Seven Hundred Years Old : deities and high-ranking suras maintain a youthful appearance. Yuta, who looks 12~13 years old, is at least 300 years old, while his elder half-brother Maruna is more than 1000 years old but looks like a late-teen. Considering that the nastika adults treat him like a child says much about how old they are.
  • Tomboy: Leez, Asha, and Kalavinka.
  • Tomboy and Girly Girl: Asha and Brillith.
  • Unskilled but Strong : Leez has never been to school and didn't study how to use magic, but her punches can send a grown man flying, and she can break walls in her sleep. It is mentioned several times that her full strength will easily kill a normal person, but she has been lucky so far that everyone she's been with so far have been tough enough to handle it.
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