Kristoph Gavin: Ace Attorney
Kristoph Gavin: Ace Attorney is a fanfic/webcomic (more commonly known in its circle as a "Sprite Comic" based on the Ace Attorney series, and its hero, Kristoph Gavin, a defense attorney who was never actually shown doing his actual job. Which is exactly what he does here, actually. The series itself is set up to be a rather large piece of Continuity Porn, although this hasn't cost it so far.
It can be found here. [dead link]
Tropes used in Kristoph Gavin: Ace Attorney include:
- A Father to His Men: Kurtis, in a somewhat literal example.
- Alternate Continuity: A fangame version has been announced, which will be one of these.
- Amoral Attorney: Ian Justice.
- Anachronism Stew: The first case takes place after the remaining three cases have already finished.
- Animal Motifs: A currently unnamed group of mysterious characters all have codenames based on birds.
- Animated Adaptation: One of these is in the works. Travolta3335 and Naruhodou Minuki of Apollo Justice Abridged appear to be likely cast members, but no-one has been confirmed yet.
- April Fools' Day: In 2010, Simon is suddenly revealed to have killed Robert Dobbel and Ed Gardson, and then shoots Kristoph.
- Backstory: The whole concept of the comic is Kristoph's backstory.
- Berserk Button: Do not insult Kurtis Gavin in front of Kristoph. Just fucking don't.
- Which leads to Obligatory Swearing.
- I'm not sure "damn" counts as swearing.
- It does when it is screamed in a court of law.
- And considering that swearing at all is a rarity in Ace Attorney. And Kristoph himself never swears in-game.
- Although, considering this, it would be better referred to as Precision F-Strike than Obligatory Swearing.
- I'm not sure "damn" counts as swearing.
- If Kohal thinks you're guilty, don't bother asking him to help you. It won't end well.
- Which leads to Obligatory Swearing.
- Beware the Nice Ones: Harry Brushel.
- Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: Again, Harry Brushel.
- Deadpan Snarker: ...Pretty much everyone.
- Deus Ex Machina: The medical report in "The Grave Turnabout". There were just way too many coincidences.
- The phonecall to Princeton in A Lesson In Turnabout is a slight example.
- Elf Ears Lawyer.
- Ensemble Darkhorse: Princeton Badcock. Hell, the name alone practically ensured his position as such.
- Expy : According to Word of God, Ian Justice is an Expy of Bleach's Ryuken Ishida.
- Also, Jeremy Cale was originally based off of Jaz Coleman of Killing Joke.
- Fandom Rivalry: Beetween this comic and Francis Equitas Ace Casanova and Attorney.
- A large portion of the Fan Dumb comes from this rivalry, with fans of Greeny's comic claiming Lind ripped him off, simply because Greeny came first.
- Ficdom: Evidenced when many readers expressed worry about the future of the comic when an unforeseen hitch made it necessary to move its post location.
- Foe Yay: Kristoph and Kohal. If the author wasn't (supposedly) straight, you'd be forgiven for thinking that Kohal was an Author Avatar.
- It is an Author Avatar, and a Self-Insert Fic for that matter. Sort of. Kohal was created by a friend of the author, and was used to give Kristoph an original prosecutor to lock horns with, as opposed to screwing with continuity by having him face Edgeworth or something.
- Gen Fic: No sexual relationships have been hinted at thus far.
- Fan Dumb: Just ask the author.
- Tends to delve into Fan Hater-dom.
- Jerkass: Artie Pallet.
- Jossed: The popular theory that Princeton Badcock was the killer of A Lesson In Turnabout.
- Lampshade Hanging: In "A Lesson In Turnabout", they keep pointing out how light it is outside despite the time. This is presumably to cover up for the creator being a lazy bastard.
- Narm Charm: "I'm think I am be having the concussion now".
- Although whether that counts as "Charm" or just regular Narm is arguable.
- Of course, the same could be said of most Narm Charm.
- And in a new comic "Have fun spending the rest of your life as a prison bitch".
- Although whether that counts as "Charm" or just regular Narm is arguable.
- My Friends and Zoidberg: Apollo seems to be getting this treatment from Kurtis.
- Obfuscating Stupidity: Yet again, Harry Brushel.
- Off-Model: Seriously, what is up with assistant Apollo's head?
- On top of that, if you'll notice Lloyd's mouth in his confident sprite, it keeps changing every time we see it.
- Old Shame: Custom sprite design and plot continuity in the first arc of the comic, according to Word of God. Fans have yet to figure out what he was referring to in the continuity.
- And he now says the same of A Lesson In Turnabout, which he is trying to fix in the Video Game Adaptation.
- Original Flavour
- Out of Character.
- Alternative Character Interpretation: Kristoph's inner commentary makes him out to be much more heroic and all-around "good" than his canon counterpart is made out to be in-game. He even expresses regret of his past (murderous) actions even though this story takes place before (canonically) he is jailed for committing yet another murder.
- Specifically this is seen as Draco in Leather Pants.
- According to Word of God, "I never intended to make Kristoph good. No more so than, say, L from Death Note, and according to Death Note's Word of God, "only Soichiro is good". I only intended to have his actions in Apollo Justice make a little more sense, and I used a Berserk Button to try and make it work. Also, future events will change one mentioned fault, although I wont go into detail yet".
- Also, Original Character Lloyd Blackburn was apparently interpreted by fans far differently to how the author intended.
- Much to the author's chagrin.
- Alternative Character Interpretation: Kristoph's inner commentary makes him out to be much more heroic and all-around "good" than his canon counterpart is made out to be in-game. He even expresses regret of his past (murderous) actions even though this story takes place before (canonically) he is jailed for committing yet another murder.
- Precision F-Strike: See Berserk Button.
- Punny Name: Harry Brushel is a pun on Hairbrush, in reference to his profession as a hairdressing teacher.
- And then there's the first case victim, Barry Moyer, which is intended to sound like paranoia.
- Subverted with Princeton Badcock. Thankfully.
- Not quite... Princeton is intended as a pun on his profession as a Principal.
- Ian Justice is Injustice.
- Robert Dobbel comes from Robber and Double Life.
- His surnames also doubles as a pun for is children, who are twins.
- Artie Pallet is an artist. The pun is kind of obvious.
- Shirley Patton comes from Swirly Pattern.
- Rouge Angles of Satin: Usually minor.
- This tends to be the primary fuel for the Fan Dumb's GrammarNazism.
- Running Gag: Krissy.
- Kohal's ears.
- Kristoph hates stairs.
- Savvy Guy, Energetic Girl: Kristoph and Shirley seem to be this.
- Scary Shiny Glasses: Kristoph, although this trope really belongs to Ace Attorney itself more than it does to this Sprite Comic.
- Schedule Slip: Whilst the comic doesn't update on a regular schedule, it tends to do so at least once a week. On a few occassions, though, it has gone several weeks with no updates.
- And more recently, it took 6 MONTHS to update.
- Script Fic: To an extent. The characters all have text boxes with their names attached.
- Spell My Name with an "S": How the hell do you pronounce Kohal Leicht anyway? For that matter, what the hell does "Kohal Leicht" mean?
- Actually, Word of God from his creator has stated that "Kohal" (Pronounced Koh-hahl.) was simply an edited version of "Kohl",which is "Cabbage" in german."Leicht"(Pronounced Likht) means "Easy", in the same language. Oddly enough, no one has made fun of his name yet.
- Especially since Kristoph himself is German, and should spot the wordplay easily.
- It would appear that, since reading this, the writer has gone "Sure Why Not"? and had Kristoph do this in a recent comic.
- Actually, Word of God from his creator has stated that "Kohal" (Pronounced Koh-hahl.) was simply an edited version of "Kohl",which is "Cabbage" in german."Leicht"(Pronounced Likht) means "Easy", in the same language. Oddly enough, no one has made fun of his name yet.
- Spin-Off: Obvious.
- Stalker with a Crush: Artie Pallet, although the crush part is undetermined.
- The Verse: Oyashiro-Tan, who originally designed Kohal, has now made a fanfic featuring him. Presumably, it's the same fictional universe, although it is unknown wether the two of them have a continuity sorted out.
- True Art Is Incomprehensible: Artie Pallet actually references this trope directly.
- Web Serial Novel.
- Who Is This Guy Again?: Simon Taylor. Whoever that is.
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