Kong: The Animated Series
Kong is a genetically-engineered gorilla created by Dr. Lorna Jenkins using D.N.A. from King Kong. Evil scientist Ramon De La Porta wants to use Dr. Jenkins' findings for his own purposes. To stop him, Dr. Jenkins and Kong count on Dr. Jenkins' grandson Jason; Jason's best friend Eric "Tann" Tannenbaum IV; a girl shaman named Lua; and that's just counting human allies.
Tropes used in Kong: The Animated Series include:
- Can't Spit It Out: Jason and Lua just can never admit their feelings for eachother
- That is till the last episode, if only Kong didn't splash them.
- Classy Cat Burglar: Tiger Lucy. Literally, thanks to De La Porta's Cyber-Link.
- Dark-Skinned Redhead: Lua
- Does Not Like Shoes: Lua is always barefoot...
- Foot Focus: ...and the series never lets us forget it.
- Though oddly for no reason in the CGI film she wears shoes. Much to the annoyance of some fans.
- Fusion Dance: Jason and Kong do this via the Cyber-Link so Jason can lend his martial arts expertise to Kong and Kong can "ride" inside Jason to avoid the logistics of transporting a giant gorilla around the world. De La Porta and his henchmen use their own Cyber-Link to merge with animals to fight Kong.
- Genetic Memory: Kong sometimes gets flashes from his past life as the original King Kong.
- Gentle Giant: Kong fits this trope among the non-humans and the muscular Tann among the humans.
- Great White Hunter
- Green-Eyed Monster: Lua becomes one every time another girl shows attraction to Jason.
- Impairment Shot: Happens to Lua as she's tranquilized by poachers and as she wakes up.
- Kissing Under the Influence: Tann and Lua in "Reborn."
- Nubile Savage: Lua
- Recycled: the Series: This is the second animated series based on King Kong.
- Reptiles Are Abhorrent: In an arc, there were evil snake people that wanted to mind control Kong.
- Significant Green-Eyed Redhead: Lua.
- Spoiled Sweet: Tann's parents are quite wealthy and, thanks to the fund his grandfather left him, he can buy whatever his parents won't give him. Despite this, he's a true friend and only mentions his wealth whenever it's needed to help.
- Trademark Favorite Food: Tann can't go a day without a Pineapple Pizza.
- Villain with Good Publicity: Ramon De La Porta. Most people perceive him as a respected college professor.
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