< Kodomo no Jikan

Kodomo no Jikan/YMMV

  • Cerebus Syndrome/Growing the Beard/Every One Remembers the Stripper: Later chapters tone back the overaggressive loli antics in favor of much darker storylines deconstructing the reasons behind Rin's behavior, as well as changing the relationship between Rin and Aoki such that the latter is actually concerned for the former rather than annoyed by the unwanted attention. Nobody seems to pay attention to this, though, because sensationalism sells and the early chapters provided plenty of fuel for that.
  • Character Derailment: In recent chapters, it seems Mimi might be turning to be a bit too desperate for Reiji.
  • Draco in Leather Pants: Reiji is very messed up in the head, but on the anime he's drawn as very handsome. Guess what happens with the fans.
    • Ron the Death Eater: Because Aoki is drawn rather "generic" compared to Reiji, many female fans interpret Rin as needing the noble-intentioned Reiji's protection from the lustful Aoki... when of course the situation is actually the exact opposite.
  • Ho Yay: It's not hard to interpret some of Reiji's Tsundere-ness toward Aoki as this, especially in the most recent chapters.
  • Les Yay:
    • Mimi, oddly enough, is a frequent victim of this.
    • Kuro wishes she was. She finally gets a taste of what she wants during Chapter 64.
    • Apparently Kuro's mother is involved in this too, judging by the text message she accidentally sent Kuro, which she meant to send to one of her lady friends.
  • Less Disturbing in Context: From the early reactions, you'd think it was straight-out lolicon pornography. It's not.
  • Tear Jerker: Aki, we hardly knew ye.
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