Koden Sentai Koukenger
![]() | This page needs some cleaning up to be presentable. This page doesn't describe a work so much as it mentions a work and then describes its relationship to other works. It should be reworked into a proper description of the work's plot and content. |
A Fanfic of the long running Super Sentai series. This fic actually has quite a bit of history in its hand. At first, it was a Fanfic by an author known as Honoomaru. It was meant to be an alternate universe to one of his fics, only dealing with Super Sentai instead of Kamen Rider.
Or so he said.
One author realized that this fic is somewhat of a copy of one of his existing fics. That author was Redryuranger11 and that fic was Elemental Sentai Kodenranger.
Honoomaru wrote two Koden Sentai Koukenger fics, one which was meant to be a remake of the original fic since he didn't like where the first fic was going. Both fics ended up only having two chapters.
Koukenger went through a long period without any updates, that was until Redryuranger11 started writing the fic, starting with a reboot.
Now Koden Sentai Koukenger is a fic in the Redryuranger11 verse and features cameos from characters from Elemental Sentai Kodenranger, while also being a complete parody of Super Sentai in general.
The Redryuranger11 version which is the most recent one can be found here. The two originals that Honoomaru wrote can be found here and here.
- Accidental Pervert: Kiba accidentally fell on Asuka's butt, with his face, while his mouth was opened. She was not amused.
- Awesomeness Is Volatile: Redryuranger11's version completely runs on this trope, citing it as the reason why there are explosions whenever the Rangers do their Super Sentai Stance, or citing it as a reason why monsters die, because certain characters and actions are just that awesome.
- Badass: Kuro would like you to know that he's Badass, and he will remind you every few paragraphs.
- Clingy Jealous Girl: Sei in Honoomaru's version which leads to Strangled by the Red String below. She's not this in Redryuranger11's version, but traces of this are still there especially when pertaining to Nyana.
- Expy: Essentially, all the characters end up being expies of the characters in Elemental Sentai Kodenranger, a trait that Redryuranger11 picked up.
- Shiroi Tora happens to be Ryu pre Remake. He was pretty much a Marty Stu that could do a lot of stuff, had somewhat of a Unwanted Harem going on and ends up being the hero to all. Redryuranger11's version notably toned Shiroi down, making him less of of a Marty Stu, but still keeping Shiroi's personality intact. He's not really a Ryu Remake Version expy, instead Redryuranger11's version of Shiroi kind of seems like a Ryuuji expy.
- Kuro Kame had some of Rai's earlier jerk tendencies. Redryuranger11's version instead changes Kuro's personality completely and makes him instead a boisterous Badass. He's still sort of Rai's expy in that Kuro is the Student Council Vice President.
- Kiba Unido was meant to be Lee's expy in that both were athletic.
- Asuka Tendou was pretty much a Karen clone. Redryuranger11 even Lampshaded this in one of his author notes, claiming that he almost always kept writing Karen instead of Asuka when he was writing the fic.
- Sei Tenshi might've been a Ryn expy in Honoomaru's story, but in Redryuranger11's, it's obvious that she's Ryn's expy. They both have their hair in ponytails and both are childhood friends to The Hero.
- According to Honoomaru, Rikuo was meant to be Kai's expy. He also had Takeshi-sensei's tendency to punish others, except Rikuo's are much worse.
- It gets even more funnier when Redryuranger11 puts Kai in the story as one of the villains and has Kai alongside Rikuo.
- Ryuuji Ryuki. True to form, he's supposed to be the obligatory 'Ryu' of Redryuranger11's story. It's actually a subversion. He's the obligatory Ryu, but Ryuki is completely different from any of the past Ryus, and Ryuki is the complete opposite of his namesake.
- Five-Man Band: Wouldn't be Sentai without it.
- The Hero: Shiroi Tora
- The Lancer: Kuro Kame
- The Big Guy: Kiba Unido
- The Smart Guy: Sei Tenshi
- The Chick: Asuka Tendou
- The Partner Beasts end up having their own combination, but it's different
- The Hero: Shiroi's partner Nyana
- The Lancer: Kiba's partner Ryuki[1]
- The Big Guy: Asuka's partner Kiriko[2]
- The Smart Guy: Sei's partner Suzuka
- The Chick: Kuro's partner Mizuko
- Five-Bad Band
- In the Name of the Moon: It Freezes up enemies, not given them a chance to move and when the rangers are done, THE ENEMIES DIE!
- Name's the Same: In Universe. Kuro-sensei's surname and Kuro Kame's given name are the exact same (Kuro). This is pretty much why Kuro Kame is one of Kuro-sensei's favorite (ex)students.
- Odd Name Out: For whatever reason, the Kouken Beasts are all named Kouken 'whatever the animal is', but the giant Chimera mech is named KodenChimera.
- Real Men Wear Pink: Kuro Kame. He has the most feminine mecha out of the whole entire cast, and his partner beast happens to take a form of a shy Yamato Nadeshiko in pink, and he's the obligatory crossdresser of Redryuranger11's story. He also happens to be the most badass of the rangers.
- Super Sentai Stance: When the rangers do this, the grunts all explode!
- The Reveal: Redryuranger11's fic revealed that Kuro-sensei from Elemental Sentai Kodenranger Prologue of Courage is Rai and Reika's grandfather.
- What Do You Mean It's Not Awesome?: In story, doing a Sentai Pose actually freezes up enemies and kills off grunts. If only the rangers had a longer roll call, then the story might've already ended.
- Why Don't You Just Shoot Him?: The monsters can't during Roll Call, because they just freeze up. And then die.
- You Are Number Six: The first grunt to die upon hear the Roll Call happened to be referred to as Number Six by the monster. He was his favorite.
- ↑ due to being the resident jerk
- ↑ due to being a Genki Girl