< Knights of the Dinner Table

Knights of the Dinner Table/YMMV

  • Colbert Bump: This very wiki page was mentioned in a recent article!
  • Memetic Mutation: "HOODY HOO!"
  • Retroactive Recognition: Noah Antwiler.
  • The Scrappy: Some readers of the magazine hated Noah Antwiler's column "A Gamer's Rant on the Movies". It drew a number of complaints, largely from readers who seemed to be taking the column seriously. For a while, its' page was printed with a dotted line down the side, with instructions to readers on how to cut out the page if they did not like it. Despite the support of Jolly Blackburn, who thought Noah's rants about bad sci-fi and fantasy movies were funny, the column was canceled after an on-line poll on the Kenzerco forums declared it the most hated part of the magazine.
    • The replacement column, Gaming The Movies, qualifies as well. Ignoring the fans of Noah Antwiler's original column who are still petitioning for his return, there is a vocal portion of the fan base who claim that the column is little more than an instruction manual on how to rip-off things you saw in a movie and use them in your game.
      • As one comic book critic noted regarding the Gaming The Movies column in KODT #158, ...they discuss the Underworld movies and how you can use them and other resources for your Vampire/Werewolf themed role-playing games. (sarcasm) I'm sure this is wonderful news for all of you numerous White Wolf players who had NO IDEA that these movies were here. (/sarcasm)
  • Straw Man Has a Point: Bob's dad seems harsh and unreasonable for forbidding Bob to game, but given that Bob ultimately gets fired from his job for feigning illness too many times to game, it seems he has a point, at least about Bob.
  • Values Dissonance: The comic spoofs an era of Tabletop Games which had a much more adversarial relation between the players and Dungeon Masters than modern games. Players of more modern RPGs might end up being confused at the Comedic Sociopathy that takes place on both ends.
    This article is issued from Allthetropes. The text is licensed under Creative Commons - Attribution - Sharealike. Additional terms may apply for the media files.