< Knight Templar

Knight Templar/Playing With

Basic Trope: A villain who is convinced that they are the hero.

  • Straight: Alice, the Big Bad, thinks that she is The Hero, eliminating crime by killing any criminals regardless of whether or not they were justified
  • Exaggerated: Alice is a Complete Monster who sees herself as The Messiah.
  • Justified: The heroes of the past were way too soft on the criminals, and Alice felt that she has to make up for that.
  • Inverted: Alice is genuinely good, but is good to a fault and doesn't do enough to stop the spread of evil.
    • Alice is a Noble Demon, who does good deeds whilst having a villainous reputation.
  • Subverted: Alice is built up as a Knight Templar, but that seems to just be because of a smear campaign from her enemies.
  • Double Subverted: ...those enemies only scratched the surface. She's ten times worse than even they thought.
  • Parodied: Alice slaughters people for disobeying the slightest rules - going to bed too late, eating too much candy, etc. Expect a Mattress Tag Gag.
  • Deconstructed: Despite the brutal ways Alice uses to "clean house", it becomes clear that Alice's ways starts to get some results. The crime ratings drops down in record speed, either because the criminals are dead or are afraid that Alice will get them next and so stops being one while they still have the chance. The "heroes" find out that they can't fight Alice, since her campaigns had earned her the people's overwhelming support.
  • Reconstructed: ...But later, when confronted by her own flaws (perhaps in a dramatic "Shut UP, Hannibal!" speech from The Hero), she sees them in herself and acknowledges that she must also die...once she's finished with every other evil person in the world.
  • Zig Zagged: Alice's enemies were making up the fact that she was a Knight Templar. But they weren't, and they were in the wrong. Or were they?
  • Averted: Alice does not think that she is in the right, but is apathetic.
    • Alice is a genuinely good person.
  • Enforced: "Hmm...we neeed another madman - one that is different from the other psycopaths. How about we make Alice a self-righteous twit?"
  • Lampshaded: "Evil will only beget evil. Therefore, I must extinguish it...all of it."
  • Invoked: Alice fears that she may become one of these in time, and has a strict personal code of behavior, or a pact with another to take her down should she go too far, while still being relentless in her pursuit of evil.
  • Defied: Alice, though obsessed with justice, refuses to stoop to such means as murder to get her point across.
  • Discussed: "Ever since Alice came around, crime's way down!" "Yeah, but lethal stabbings are up 500%!"
  • Conversed: "There is nothing more dangerous than a person who thinks that they are doing the right thing whilst slaughtering villages. Now, they are the madmen."

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