
KiteTales is a female gamer on YouTube who's been on the site since 2010. While not as popular as other gaming channels let alone female ones, she is known for her skits, Let's Plays, video game commentaries and generally nice personality. Over the years however, she's also come to be seen by some as a Foil of sorts to Feminist Frequency, especially as KiteTales herself has grown more vocal with her critiques.
Her channel (which is shared with her significant other) can be found here and is partnered with Fullscreen.
KiteTales provides examples of the following tropes:
- Berserk Button: Feminist Frequency's become one for her over the years.
- Beware the Nice Ones: She's genuinely nice and friendly. But she's not afraid to be confrontational or blunt if there's any need to be.
- Big Name Fan: While not exactly "big," she has expressed sympathy towards Gamergate and is even the voice of Vivian James in the GG-related game Project SOCJUS.
- Deadpan Snarker: Over time, she's shown shades of this. Particularly when she's irritated or itching to get a point across.
- Colbert Bump: Got one through her appearance in a Co-Optional Podcast episode featuring Total Biscuit.
- Foil: At least for some, she's seen as this to Anita Sarkeesian of Feminist Frequency, particularly in her own commentaries on gaming.
- Gamer Girl: She's definitely one, but doesn't really make much of a big deal about it.
- Hidden Depths: While she's not much into first person shooters, she is known to be particularly good with multiplayer matches.
- Nice Girl: She really is that nice and pleasant.
- OOC Is Serious Business: The moment she sounds even remotely upset is a sign that something's wrong.
- Take That:
- To Innuendo Studios' "Why are you so angry?" series, that she made a video on it.
- To Polygon over its Doom gameplay footage. So much so that she released a video comparing her first 30 minutes with that of Polygon.
- To Feminist Frequency multiple times over the years, with each video successively more blunt and critical. Whether from KiteTales herself or from her boyfriend Flex.
- Silk Hiding Steel: Even while managing to focus on positivity and maintain her composure, her more confrontational episodes show more of her wit.
- Sock Puppet: Sometimes uses these in her skits.
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