Kissing Jessica Stein

Kissing Jessica Stein is a Romantic Comedy film from 2001, about a Jewish woman named Jessica whose life is changed when she meets a bisexual woman named Helen.

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Tropes used in Kissing Jessica Stein include:
  • Anguished Declaration of Love
  • Big Applesauce:
  • Camp Gay:
  • Deadpan Snarker: Meyers is like this, mostly due to bitterness caused by past events.
  • Depraved Bisexual: Helen is a minor example.
  • Did You Just Have Sex?: After she has been with Helen for a few months, Jessica comes to work practically dancing. Immediately one of her friends asks Jessica whether she's been seeing someone.
  • Girl-On-Girl Is Hot: It is lampshaded in a hilarious scene. What makes it hilarious? Helen stroking Jessica's thigh under the table, and the fact that the guys to whom they are talking are completely oblivious to it.
  • Jewish Mother: Jessica's mother is a textbook example.
  • Jewish and Nerdy
  • Ironic Echo: Early in the movie, Helen says that she does not get sick, and Jessica repeats it to her when Helen is in bed with a cold.
  • No Bisexuals: This seems to be the attitude of the characters. The word "bisexual" is never used. Two characters even argue about how you can't just "switch" back and forth.
  • Post-Kiss Catatonia: Jessica goes through this:

Helen: So you know how you'll react to anything?
Jessica: Pretty much, yes.
Helen: (kisses Jessica and watches her become stunned and silent)

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