Kirby vs. the Squeaks
Kirby vs. the Squeaks was a Sprite Comic detailing the plot of the game Kirby Squeak Squad at first. Eventually, the only connection it had with the games was the fact that both starred Kirby and had the Squeak Squad as antagonists.
- Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking: K-Draco has "razor-sharp claws and teeth, fire-breathing capabilities, flight, and three cupholders."
- Bag of Holding: Random Kirby's hat.
- Big Bad: Kirpliss.
- Non Sequitur Scene: The attack of the Shyguys.
- Breakable Weapons: Why Swordy carries so many lightsabers. Lazor must have used some pretty shoddy material.
- Cerebus Syndrome
- Cloudcuckoolander: Extreme cold turns Kirby into one of these.
- Comedic Hero: Kirby, definitely, and arguably everyone else.
- Crazy Awesome: Random Kirby, no doubt.
- Disc One Final Boss: Dorroche
- Evil Genius: Doc
- Eye Beams: Kirpliss's come in Fire, Ice and Lightning flavours.
- Face Palm: Used a few times.
- Halloween Cosplay: Done a few times in fillers.
- Hat Damage: Avoid this at ALL COSTS. Toward anyone that wears a hat.
- Hypno Ray: Kirpliss had one of these that he used on Dorroche.
- Ineffectual Sympathetic Villain: The Squeak Squad, as well as Bohboh.
- Invisibility Cloak: Lazor was able to build one of these into his visor in a matter of seconds.
- Killed Off for Real: Ninju, after a few false starts.
- King Mook: Kablooie would fall under the "pallette-swapped" subcategory of this.
- Knight of Cerebus: Kirpliss
- Laser Blade: Swordy's weapon of choice.
- Laughably Evil: EVERY SINGLE VILLAIN IN THE COMIC. Well, with the possible exception of Spinni.
- Lightning Bruiser: K-Gigas was supossed to be this, but ended up more of a Fragile Speedster instead.
- Magic Tool: Lazor's visor would have counted as one of these had he used it more.
- Mooks: The Chuurin
- Multi-Armed and Dangerous: K-Titan.
- One-Winged Angel: Kirpliss pulls one of these near the end.
- Quirky Miniboss Squad: Spinni, Doc, Storo, and Dorroche.
- Rock Bottom: Used twice, actually. Once played straight, and once Double Subverted
- Science Hero: Lazor
- Spin Attack: Swordy's preferred method of attack.
- Sticks to the Back: Apparently how Swordy carries his sword when he's not using it.
- Sword Lines: Swordy's sword does this, but then again, it's a lightsaber.
- The Brute: Storo
- Transformation Ray: The only thing Lazor ever used his Rewriting Reality Machine for.
- Trope Name: Insert brief further description here.
- Versus Title
- Wave Motion Gun: How Lazor kills Dark Nebula.
- Wrecked Weapon: Averted with Swordy. He's got a couple dozen spares, and in the event that he runs out, Lazor can whip him up some more.
KvtS also spawned a sequel called The Revenge of DaRKrai. (WARNING. The comic contains MAJOR spoilers about KvtS's ending. Do not read unless you either have finished the latter, or just don't care.) It picks up a while after Kirby vs the Squeaks ends, with a completely new cast (except the Big Bad, who is actually one of the protagonists of the previous comic having been posessed by Darkrai). Set in a post-apocalyptic world where the aforementioned Big Bad has completely taken over, except for a ragtag group of heroic Kirbies led by "King" Dododo. The story revolves around said group trying to liberate their world from the Big Bad's grip.
Tropes used in The Revenge of DaRKrai
- Big Bad: DaRKrai.
- Killed Off for Real: Most of the cast of Kvt S.
- Orphaned Series: The author has no intentions of finishing it.
- The Heartless: The actual Heartless.