< King of the Hill

King of the Hill/Funny

  • Dale, you giblet head! We live in Texas. It's already 110 in the summer, and if it gets one degree hotter I'm gonna kick your ass!
  • When Peggy gets obsessed with lawn gnomes and Hank breaks one, he tries to replace it by going to a store that specializes in them and buying one. As he has been bombarded with the highly detailed world of lawn gnome collecting, he is deeply uncomfortable with being in the store. When he selects the last statue of a rare gnome model, the other customer who wants it accuses Hank of not knowing anything about lawn gnomes.

Hank: No, I don't know anything about gnomes. I AM NOT A DORK!

  • From the first season, after Bobby accidentally kills an endangered whooping crane:

Dale: "There were only five of those left in the world. [Beat] Welp, four now!"

  • In one episode, Minh joins Dale's gun club in order to train for a skeet-shooting contest. After she feels she is ready, she quits the club and mocks them for thinking she was their friend. Dale angrily launches her plaque into the air and opens fire on it... only to miss every shot. He and the rest of the club try it again and release their full salvo of bullets... and they still miss.
    • Earlier in the episode, when she's trying to get on the skeet team, and is talking to the lady in charge. Keep in mind, they're in the middle of a fancy country club.

Minh: (pulls out a handgun) Name a target, I guarantee I nail it.

  • Another first season exchange from "Hank's Got The Willies", where Bobby tries to sort things out with Willie Nelson after he hit him in the head while golfing.

Willie: Hey, you look familiar. Aren't you the kid who rakes my lawn?
Bobby: No sir, I'm the one who hit you in the head.
Willie: With a rake?
Bobby: With a golf club.
Willie: You've been raking my lawn with a golf club? I want my quarter back.

  • Hank and his friends try to straighten out a trailer home that's been turned on its side. In the first attempt, they hook it up to the winch, but accidentally reel the truck to the hook, with Hank's truck ending up on the now completely upside down trailer. Next, they put a few planks so that the truck can drive straight off. It works, thus flipping the trailer over. But while Boomhauer is giving a thumbs-up from the cab of the truck, he crashes into another trailer, which promptly rolls over. The four guys get up and drive away.
    • From that same episode:

Hank (answering the phone): Hello?
Harsh Voice: You don't know who I am, but if you know what's good for you...
Hank: Dale?
Dale: Oh, hi Hank. Is Peggy there?
Hank: Peggy, it's for you. It's Dale.
Peggy: Yello, Dale.
Dale (harsh voice): You don't know who I am...

Cotton: Well of course you're a better father than me, Hank. You raised Bobby! All I raised was you!

  • "[Bobby] looks like the kid on the paint can!"
    • Attempting to keep Bill's dandified cousin Gilbert from influencing Bobby, Hank volunteers to sit next to him at dinner, with the excuse that they can discuss sports. This leads to the following exchange:

Hank: So, Gilbert, how do the Saints look this year?
Gilbert: Oh, I am more familiar with sinners than saints, my dear. And sinners always look good.

  • While visiting the Dallas Cowboys training camp, Hank and Bobby check out the Strickland Propane Wichita Falls branch. The guys working there are jackasses who hate Texas, and start singing the Oklahoma Sooners' fight song while Hank tries to plug his ears and drown them out with the Cowboys' song.
  • The owner of a mom n' pop convenience store lets Hank go without paying the change on a sale. Cue this gem of an exchange:

Ma: Now I know why they call you "pa", cause you're "pa"-thetic!
Pa: And I know why they call you "ma", cause you're always riding "ma" ass!

  • During a Christmas Episode, after Bill fails an attempt at suicide and Hank tries to convince him that Lenore will never come back by crushing the presents Bill had for her, Bill loses his sanity and starts to crossdress as Lenore, leading to one of the best quotes in the series:

Bill: (in a high voice) Why do you keep calling me (voice suddenly lowers) Bill? (voice goes up again) My name is Lenore.

  • The ending of the episode with the emu.
  • Cotton Hill's introduction to Kahn Souphanousinphone:

Hank: This is my new neighbor.
Dale: He's Japanese.
Cotton: [after a second] No he ain't. He's Laotian. Ain't you, Mr. Kahn?
[Kahn, who tried telling his new neighbors he was from Laos when he met them, looks plainly shocked]

  • I bit a Nazi's windpipe in half!!!
  • Hank kicking Jimmy Wichard's ass. Really nice to know that kicking somebody's ass is more than just an empty threat or a catchphrase with Hank.
  • Hank Hill at the end of "Ho Yeah!" Could also count as a Crowning Moment of Awesome.
    • Please note that while he was doing this he was wearing a pimp hat, driving a Cadillac car (which he got from Cotton while he went to a swap meet), and had both Peggy and a houseguest in the backseat while they both were dressed like hookers (one of which was actually a Hooker, try to guess which one) And the person he was chewing out was a Pimp from OKC. Immediately after this, Dale begged Hank not to "turn him out" claiming he is "no good" and to ask his wife to verify this.
      • The pimp was voiced by Snoop, too!
  • After Bobby kicks Hank in the groin:

Bill: I wish I had a son to kick me in the testicles...
Dale kicks him square in the junk
Dale: Be Careful What You Wish For!

  • Same episode:

Peggy: Nice try, Bobby, but I think you'll find that I have no testicles.

Peggy: <Your Honor, I can see that you are a reasonable horse. I am very pregnant because of what happened with Lupe. She ate my bus accident and all I wanted was to make Lupe into a book. I have too many good anuses ahead of me to spend them in a cigar factory.>

    • Making that a Bilingual Bonus is that many of those are common "false friends" that trip up poor Spanish speakers. Embarrassed/Pregnant and Years/Anuses are very easy to mistake.
  • Cotton, during the episode where he dies, managed to fake it at least twice beforehand. When he finally dies for real:

Peggy: He's gone.
Hank: (Beat) Are you sure?

  • Dale's Falcon.
  • "They put salmon in the fish tacos!"
  • (Upon learning that Bobby, Connie, and Joseph are home alone.) Joseph: "WE SHOULD PEE IN PLACES WHERE PEE SHOULDN'T GO!"
  • Kahn and Minh are listening in on the Hills in "The Incredible Hank".

Kahn: Why he point at his crotch like that?
Hank: You want me to put a patch on my what?!
Kahn: Okay, this is going in a weird direction.

    • Also from that episode, Hank completely unravels Dale's crazy theory involving clones and Mongols, leaving this troper to wonder how Hank manages to remember all that nonsense.
  • The entirety of the episode "A Firefighting We Will Go." The funniest moment most likely when all four of the guys fall into Chet's grave. While pantsing the man's corpse.
    • Another part is where Boomhauer has to tell his version of a story that involves himself, Dale, Bill and Hank, with the other three all speaking like Boomhauer....while Boomhauer actually speaks normally and is understandable!

Dale: Hey, tell you what, the dang ol' detector, man. Talkin' about government take away freedom of smoke, man. Tell you what, dang ol' yo, man.
Hank: Hey, man, I'll tell you what, man that dang ol' boy ain't right, man. Talkin' 'bout gonna kick that dang ol' ass, man.
Boomhauer: For God's sake, Hank. Act like an adult, man. And keep it down, guys, will you? I'm trying to get through an article on vintage Camaros and I've been on the same dang page for 20 minutes.
Bill: Dang ol', pretty pretty pizza, I'll tell you what.

  • The end of "Its Not Easy Being Green" when Boomhauer forces Bill and Dale to drive back his Mustang after its been at the bottom of the quarry for 20 years.

Bill: (after engine won't start) You're flooding it!

  • All of the scenes at The Arlen Barn in "Uncool Customer".
  • Washington. Hitler. Washington. Hitler.
    • I call this "Industrial Penis #5".
  • "But...Boomhauer's got a bad leg..."
  • Every time Dale closes his eyes, he sees strange characters chasing colorful geometric shapes in a dark infinite limbo. He has stopped closing his eyes.
  • One episode, Peggy mentions to Hank that Nancy only sleeps with Dale on Christmas and his birthday. Later in the episode, after she ends up telling Peggy that she slept with Dale after a date...

Peggy: Oh my god, we forgot his birthday!

  • "The Wedding of Bobby Hill" had two CMOFs, the first being when Bobby (who had recently switched Luanne's birth control pills with candy in their escallating prank war) exclaimed to Hank in horror, "Dad! I've gotten Luanne pregnant!" (she wasn't, though) and then when Hank decides to teach Bobby and Luanne a lesson about pranking tells Bobby that he now has to marry Luanne, and sets up a fake wedding in the backyard. Kahn sees this from his side of the fence and says ever so merrily, "Mihn, it's finally happened! Hillbilly neighbor marry trailer trash cousin! You owe me five dollars! In your face!"

Luanne: Uncle Hank! Bobby's trying to get out of marrying me!
Hank (offscreen): Now Bobby, you stop that!

  • The pilot. The first time you see Joseph.
  • After one of Dale's ramblings Hank says "Did you mean to put all those words in that order or did they just fall out like that?"
  • In one episode, Luanne becomes convinced that Halloween is satanic and this ensues (after Harper stops Hank from having a haunted house at school and Peggy suggests they do a garage haunted house):

Luanne: Nuh-uh, Uncle Hank, you could go to hell. See, Judy Harper says that haunted houses are the Devil's mousetrap, and fun is the cheese.
Hank: Luanne, just when I think you've said the stupidest thing ever, you keep talkin'!

    • "I knew the risks when I put on the uniform."
    • "Check it out man, don't need no dang ol' costume, man. Hadda put onna dang ol' mime, man. Looksit like I'm tryin' get outta this dang ol' box, man. See- WHOA! Gonn' play tugga war, man."
  • "I'm not a chick, I'm a dude!" *WHAM!!*
  • "Pocket sand!"
  • The end of "Texas City Twister", with Hank vs. the tornado.
  • The end of an episode where Bobby, Connie, and Joseph were lost in a cave.

Bobby: What were you eating under there?
Joseph: Under where?
Bobby: (singsong) You were eating underwear!

Hank: (after being confronted by police) We have nothing to hide!
Dale: (falls off roof, screaming)

  • In one episode, the Hills meet Lucky's sister Myrna. When Peggy offers to get them juice, Myrna says that they don't drink juice, they'll just have water and read a book. As they walk off, Bobby says "Those kids ain't right."
    • Hank: "I tell you what, this Goofus is a dumbass."
  • Luanne has just given birth. She's very clearly been drugged:

"I've decided that we're going to name her after something we both love... Lasagna. Lasagna Kleinschmidt."

  • Dale, after figuring out that Bill's new girlfriend is the mother of Joseph's half-sister, seeks help from John Redcorn:

Dale: John Redcorn! I bet you could romance a woman out of a relationship with a giant doofus!
John: Dale, are you asking me to steal your friend's companion?
Dale: I don't want to see my child being raised by an IDIOT!
John: ....Yes, it's very difficult to watch an idiot raise your child.

  • Hank in the final episode: "What you're seeing is team spirit. It's like the Holy Spirit, only more powerful."
  • Pretty much any time Dale mentions that he thinks John Redcorn is gay.
  • Bobby trying to teach Peggy to ride a bike. Pretty much the whole thing, but special mention goes to this gem.

Peggy: Don't let go, don't let go.
Bobby lets go, and she rides off without any issues.
Dale: He let go!
Peggy screams, and crashes off screen. Bobby glares at Dale.
Dale: Well, you did.

  • "He's already got the black vote. Earl. And the gay vote. Earl."
  • From "The Miseducation of Bobby Hill", there's Dale, Bill, and Boomhauer's failed flying lawn chair experiment, which ends in Bill dangling from the ropes on it for a long time. At the end when he's finally gotten down, he limps over to them with his shirt mostly gone and a tattoo across his stomach, then hands Dale the balloons telling him "Your turn" before collapsing.
  • Kahn's...unique take on "Mickey".
  • In "The Arrowhead", Hank's yard is being torn up by a Jerkass archaeology professor hunting for Native American artifacts. When Hank complains, Bill compares it to the depredations suffered by the Natives and sheds a single tear...and then crumples up his beer can and throws it on the ground.[1]
    • At the end of that same episode, the Jerkass archaeologist smugly declares that he probably could have scored Peggy for the price of a fake bracelet. Hank grabs him by the shirt and throws him into the pit they've dug in his lawn. The archaeologist tries climbing out, but Hank shoves him back in. After three of these, he remarks "Okay, so you've proven that you're stronger than me..."; this time, Peggy shoves him in. Fade to the credits as he tries to save face by claiming "I WANT you to push me in!", followed by Bobby saying "Okay" and the sound of him hitting ground again. And then during The Stinger we hear "You know, you'll get tired of this long before I do." *THUD!*
    • That whole damn thing. He was holding it in all episode and just let it all out. By the end, he's out of breath and ready to collapse.
    • Now seen "here.
  • From "Death of a Propane Salesman":

Dooley: (to Bobby) Your dad got blown up.

  • From "Movin' On Up", after Luanne accidentally walks in on Hank and Peggy about to have sex:

Luanne: I thought you guys were sleeping. (snickers) But you guys weren't sleeping!
Hank: Exit the master bedroom now!

Cotton: Well, I suppose...... SUCKER PUNCH!

    • "New Cowboy on the Block":

Hank: Rock on!
Kahn: Yes hello, rock on.

    • "Bad Girls, Bad Girls, Whatcha Gonna Do":

Bobby: Man, I'm just keepin' it real, dawg.

    • "Traffic Jam":

Toenail: BAM! Now THAT'S what I call general haberdashery!

    • "Return to La Grunta":

Hank: I never get brunch...

    • "It's Not Easy Being Green":

Hank: No, no, no, heh, no, heh.... NO.

    • "Hank and the Great Glass Elevator":

Hank: I'm doin' it! I'm a mooner!

    • "A Firefighting We Will Go":

Dale: Bicky-bi-be-bo-bo-bicky-bi-bo!

    • "Nine Pretty Darn Angry Men":

Cotton: Pump jockey! Works for tips!

    • "Hank Gets Dusted":

Hank: It's time to rock.

  • Joe Jack has some good One Liners. One time he was practicing Yoga with Hank and Enrique and he said "I feel my chakra straightening out, honey!"
  • In "Nine Pretty Darn Angry Men" Cotton and Hank attend a mower focus group the day after Thanksgiving dinner and Cotton keeps saying horrible, hilarious things about Hank's mom:

Cotton: Your mower's obsolete Hank! When something gets old and tired you gotta trade up!
Hank: You mean like you traded in mother for Didi?
Cotton: I didn't trade your momma in, a trade-in has some value... I scrapped her!

  • Most of "Peggy's Turtle Song," but especially any scene with Bobby on ADD medication.

There's some milk in the fridge that's about to go bad... And there it goes.

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