< King of Braves GaoGaiGar

King of Braves GaoGaiGar/YMMV

  • Complete Monster: The 11 Lords of Sol.
    • Especially Palparepa.
  • Growing the Beard: The first 20 or so episodes are not actually that impressive and reveal the show as the kid's show it was... but around episode 27 or so, the quality of the story, the acting, the animation, the hot blood, and the absurdity all takes a sharp uptick and the show grows ever more entertaining from there.
  • Hilarious in Hindsight - "Made in China" stamps on Fuu Ryu and Rai Ryu toys.
  • Memetic Mutation: "Symmetrical Docking" became a Fan Nickname for two women pressing their breasts together after a memorable Super Robot Wars Yonkoma gag comic.
  • Most Annoying Sound: Good god, Sunou's voice is like like scratching nails on a chalkboard made of screeching kittens.
  • Never Tell Me the Odds: Over and over and over. Koutarou Taiga kicks it off in the first episode with the iconic line, "With courage, even 1% becomes 100%!"
    • Let's face it. There's no "odds of success" for GGG. If they have any chance in hell of victory, victory's guaranteed.
  • Nightmare Fuel: Penchinon. Oh dear GOD Penchinon.
    • In episode 3, the government decides to send a full assault squad and helicopter to "retrieve" little Mamoru, after the kid transformed and purified another monster. They have at least five guys yank the kid, thrashing and crying for his parents, off of his feet. All while saying that they didn't want to hurt him.
    • Also the previews for episode 31. A satellite drifting quietly in space, a close-up of a small rock beside it... spooky music? And then BOOM! FULL-SCREEN PASDER, complete with evil laugh and Pagliaccio DEVOURING HIM WHOLE. And just to top it all off? Episode 31's title: Farewell, GGG.
    • Episode 16: a university festival vanishes into a fireball, with little warning, leaving nothing but a massive crater. What would give small children nightmares is the way the attack is presented - it's very reminiscent of Sarah Connor's dream sequence in Terminator 2 and unlike any other so far, we see the injured and the scale of the disaster, implying that people actually died this time.
    • No mention of Guy's BRUTAL Beatdown of the Zounda? Sure, it seems awesome, but when you hear Guy's anguished and enraged shouts as he destroys the beast that contains Mikoto by ripping it apart, even after GaoGaiGar starts falling apart, you can't help but shiver. Watch and Listen... He doesn't even resort to using any of his attacks, just shouting in rage and tearing it limb from limb. And when it comes to the core... he just rips it out, no Hell and Heaven.
  • Periphery Demographic: The TV series was originally aimed at kids, yet suffered poor TV ratings. Its popularity actually came from massive DVD sales to older otaku.
  • Sequel Displacement: To wit: GaoGaiGar is the only one of two out of the eight Brave Series to have a page here on TV Tropes. That's saying something.
    • The rest of the Brave Series now have pages, but GaoGaiGar is still the most easily recognized of the three. All but the hardest-core mecha fans will react with a blank stare and "Wait... there was a series?" when the Brave Series is brought up in the context of GGG.
  • Superlative Dubbing: The dub may have been short-lived, but damn is it awesome.
  • Tear Jerker: Episode 30. The heroes have defeated EI-01, but apparently gave their lives in the process. The music and Mamoru's desperate pleas for them to wake up set the mood perfectly. Even knowing the series is barely halfway over and knowing they'll be proven to still be alive mere moments later doesn't keep the tears at bay. By all outward appearances, from a technical viewpoint they really were dead at the time, as they had fully expended the power of their G-Stones in the effort to defeat EI-01. (The energies of the Zonder Metal and the G-Stones, being polar opposites, neutralized each other.) Mamoru's powers (on which G-Stone technology was based), thankfully, were not affected by this (giving a hint of just how powerful he would eventually become), allowing him to bring forth a miraculous, though far from immediate, recovery.
    • The next episode is brutal, just brutal. New aliens arrive and seemingly kill everyone but Mamoru and Guy. Complete hand-over-mouth horror.
      • Particularly when : said aliens utterly demolish the titular mecha. Mamoru's dialog right there says it all:


    • And, of course, the ending to both the series and FINAL. Nothing about anything that awesome is ever sadder than those two little words..."THE END".
    • Another example in GaoGaiGar FINAL Episode 2, after Guy Defeats Repli-GaoGaiGar with Hell and Heaven, the mood quickly changes when Guy opens Gao Figh Gar's hand to reveal...a injured and bleeding Mamoru. evil clone or no, Guy's facial reaction sums up the whole thing.
    • "Itsuka Hoshi no Umi de - Character Version" is certainly a Tear Jerker as well.
      • The entire Mobile Unit sacrificing themselves to defeat the 11 Soul Masters or being curbstomped trying to do so. Watching Hyoryu and Enryu overload their Chest Blasters, Big Volfogg's arm turning against him, Ten Ryu Jin being impaled... To this troper, the worst ones were Hyoryu and Enryu's sacrifice and Big Volfogg's self-defeat.
    • A different take on this, is the thought of what will happen to GGG after the end of FINAL. They have been exiled from their home planet, they've destroyed the solar system they are in, they are stuck in a collapsing universe... Needless to say, their situation is hopeless, unless they can somehow survive for 8 years, at which time, the Galeoria Comet will return to Earth's orbit.
    • The opening to FINAL Episode 8. After the last few episodes have given us progressively more and more Hotblooded iterations of the opening theme, Episode 8 brings us Yuusha-Oh Tanjou (Piano Solo version). Bonus points for also giving us a recap that practically SCREAMS Bittersweet Ending.
  • Toy Ship: Mamoru and Hana. Driven home with a big golden hammer at the end when their schoolfriends present Hana to Mamoru in a wedding dress, veil and all, before he leaves.
  • The Woobie It's hard to not feel incredibly terrible for Mamoru after all that happens to him in FINAL.
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