Kimi no Iru Machi
Kimi no Iru Machi (translated: A Town Where You Live) is a manga by Seo Kouji, notable for his other series Suzuka. Haruto Kirishima is a typical highschooler living in the countryside: worrying about school and his Unrequited Love, Nanami Kanzaki. Everything's been normal until one day a stranger by the name of Eba Yuzuki announces that she's come from Tokyo to the countryside (Hiroshima) to attend High School. What's more, she's going to be living at his house, which of course worries Haruto about how that will look on him. Life just got interesting when this stranger came to town.
The series is a blend of romantic drama and romantic comedy, said to be a "character-driven romance", and set in Seo Kouji's hometown. It's currently ongoing. Recently an OVA series was announced with the first episode being made available in March of 2012.
- A-Cup Angst: Mishima.
Mishima: Besides, what's with that chest of hers?! What does she eat to get those?!
- Aborted Declaration of Love: Done at the Kyoyasai after the school festival, Eba turns Haruto down just before he asks her out.
- Armour Piercing Slap: Both to Haruto, and by him. Quite satisfying for some of the readers out there.
- Bathtub Bonding: Asuka and Aoi do this regularly.
- Beneath the Mask: When Haruto first meets Eba Rin he wonders how such a level headed person could be related to Yuzuki, even if only as step-sisters. Eventually Rin gets tired enough of the mask that she completely discards it with Haruto, in fact she is more honest with herself around Haruto and eventually Yuzuki that she doesn't put it back on around them, leading her to become...
- Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: Rin seems to enjoy the ever-loving-crap out of this one.
- Blind Mass Date: In Japan called a Goukon, Haruto is begged by one of his college friends to go with him to one so that the numbers will be even. It is here where Haruto sees Eba again after about two years.
- Butt Monkey: Mina Nagoshi, who manages to always misinterpret everything about Haruto to her own detriment.
- Character Focus: The focus of the story changes numerous times to the point where it's not really clear which girl is actually "winning."
- Cool Big Sis: Haruto's older sister, Aoi. Easily.
- Conflicting Loyalty: Haruto deals with this a lot, whether it be his feelings for Eba versus his friendship with Kazama or his desire to be with Eba over his connection to Asuka, things get complicated as a result.
- Chastity Couple: Haruto and Asuka were together for almost two years and yet they never got past the occasional kiss.
- Childhood Friends: Haruto, Takashi and Akari, also had no idea that he and Eba met before the start of the series.
- Cloudcuckoolander: Eba Yuzuki.
- Cloudcuckoolander's Minder: Before the move Haruto claimed the reason he could not leave Eba alone was because she would get into trouble without him there to keep her out of it.
- Covert Pervert: Haruto's new neighbor Miyu Does Not Like Men, but manages to interpret every other thing Haruto says as something indecent.
- Crossover: With Suzuka, Seo Kouji's other work. Kimi starts roughly when Suzuka's ending.
- Cry Into Chest: Haruto pulls Eba into one of these after her breakdown.
- Dance of Romance: Averted, Haruto spends several chapters trying to dance with Eba at the Kyoyasai after the school festival, only to cause a bigger misunderstanding with the people around him.
- "Dear John" Letter: Yuzuki writes one to Haruto and puts it in a present she gave him, however it was several months (and several attempts to stay with her regardless) later that he actually found and read the letter.
- Death Glare: Akari, Asakura, and Nanami portray some chillingly-textbook-perfect examples of this in chapter 115 and 117. Asuka as well in Chapter 116.
- Derailing Love Interests: And how.
- Does Not Like Men: Haruto's new neighbor Miyu, due to being constantly hit on by persistent guys. Haruto of course becomes the exception.
- Everyone Can See It: Haruto and Asuka.
- Yep, their first encounter definitely qualifies as a Meet Cute.
- Don't forget Haruto and Eba being the most blatant from the beginning.
- Friendless Background: Haruto abruptly turns around when he sees all of his old friends talking with Asuka on the other side of a street.
- Fan Service
- Ill Boy: Kazama.
- Innocent Cohabitation: Yuzuki initially lives with Haruto and Asuka might has well have, though nothing happened at those times.
- I Want My Beloved to Be Happy: Why the story can get really complicated.
- Long-Distance Relationship: Attempted with Eba, but things... happen.
- Love Epiphany: Happens to Haruto after Nanami and his sister point out to him who he's really been in love with all along.
- Love Triangle: The beginning of the manga starts off with one for three primary leads: Yuzuki, Haruto, and Nanami.
- Love Dodecahedron: ...and it eventually evolves into this once the Tokyo arc gets past The Reveal.
- Love Hurts
- Manic Pixie Dream Girl: Eba comes across as this early on.
- Meido: They decide to do a made cafe for the summer festival.
- Mistaken Declaration of Love: Several of Haruto's classmates throughout the story believe he has done as such.
- Moment Killer: Asuka calls Haruto just in time to avert a Make Up Kiss.
- Rin reveals her presence just in time to avert a very romantic kiss in Chapter 155.
- Noodle Incident: Eba offered Haruto a ride on her bike shortly after she learned how to use one, cue next panel where the mechanic that is fixing Haruto's bike now has another to repair. This incident is called back to at least twice later.
- Obfuscating Stupidity: Rin claims Yuzuki is to dumb to be her rival and in the beginning Haruto thinks along the same lines, however the Tokyo Arc seems to go to lengths to show her as this and she had typically higher grades than the other students in Hiroshima.
- Out of Focus: Quite a few characters come and go over the course of the series, like Nurumi Kanzaki or Kikukawa, but the character with the steepest drop in prominence is probably Nanami, who went from one of the major focuses and love interests in the series with plenty of cover appearances to boot, to one of the most minor supporting characters, with less dialogue & character interaction than the rest of the supporting cast and no more cover or chapter title appearances for about 100 issues. She also tends to appear at the back of group shots.
- Please Don't Leave Me: All but actually said by Asuka when she feels the distance between herself and Haruto grow after they come back from Hiroshima together.
- Promoted to Love Interest: Asuka and Haruto started out as awkward friends who gathered around Kazama, after he died they decided to pursue a romantic relationship, the spark was there after all.
- Rule of Drama: Yes. Especially the plot starts focusing on Eba.
- Second Act Breakup: Mutual between Haruto and Yuzuki. However Haruto and Asuka, not so much...
- Second Love: Asuka Mishima is shaping up to be this to Haruto. Whether or not it lasts on the other hand...
- She's All Grown Up: She was no slouch to begin with but, after two years apart Eba became stunning.
- Rin definitely qualifies as well.
- Ship Sinking: The aftermath of the Tokyo arc goes to no short lengths to tell the reader that Haruto/Eba is not happening. Likewise, Nanami tells Haruto that he's too late when he returns home over the winter break.
- Although as of chapter 119, the former has been slowly resurfacing.
- Completely averted as of chapter 140
- Although as of chapter 119, the former has been slowly resurfacing.
- Snow Means Love: Haruto takes Eba to see a local event where ice on a lake will crystallize into something that looks like a flower, it was after this that Eba agreed to a Long-Distance Relationship with him.
- It was also snowing when Haruto and Asuka confessed to each other.
- Squaring the Love Triangle: After he gets to Tokyo Haruto is in a pretty standard Love Triangle with Eba and Kazama, both of whom share feelings for her. Then Kiyomi Asakura shows up.
- Stepford Smiler: Eba & Akari.
- Take That: To George Morikawa in response to his own Take That to the more recent plot elements of Kimi no Iru Machi in Hajime no Ippo... maybe. It's like he attempted to return fire without a witty counter.
- Those Two Guys: More like that couple: Kaga and Yura, though they aren't in a relationship.
- Through Her Stomach: This was Haruto's plan to win back Yuzuki from Kazama.
- Time Skip: Two in less than 10 chapters.
- Train Station Goodbye: How Eba gets together with and breaks up with Haruto. At least the first time anyway.
- Tsundere: Amagi, the chef that Haruto worked under part-time.
- Haruto for Eba.
- Understanding Girlfriend: Asuka was almost Saintly in what Haruto put her through (His college buddy forcing him to the Goukon, the very existence of Shiori Amaya and the notes that get passed around about them doing it on their trip to Okinawa). However all that came to a crashing end eventually.
- Unlucky Busty Girl: Haruto's new neighbor Miyu Hoshino.
- Unlucky Childhood Friend: Akari for Haruto, Kiyomi for Kazuma.
- Unwanted Harem: A rather small one, but it's still there.
- Small? It may include Eba?, Rin, Nanami, Akari, Shiho?, Asuka, Nagoshi & Kotone?. At least 4 definitely.
- We Used to Be Friends: Everyone Haruto and Yuzuki were friends with before they got back together. To the point that Haruto was given the ultimatum to fix his relationship with Asuka or flat out lose their freindship, by his Best Friend of all people.
- Wham! Episode: Chapter 49, 89, and 100. Especially once it's clear that Eba x Haruto is sunk following their friend/rival's death.
- Chapter 119: Eba returns after a long absence.
- What the Hell, Hero?: Averted for the most part, much to the consternation of most of the fanbase.
- Defied as of chapter 141, just about all of Haruto's friends call him out on breaking up with Asuka and even Eba gets called out for it. However they decide that their relationship together is what they want and pursue it regardless.
- Yandere: Haruto displays some yandere characteristics in the Tokyo arc, especially after he learns why Eba broke up with him.
- Nanami Might be a Debateable case. If she does indeed have feelings for Haruto (though it's unlikely) then she would be this. For refference, please look near the top of the page under DEATH GLARE. Also, she has Yandere eyes that would give Kotonoha Katsura a run for her money.
- You Are Not Alone: Eba intended to leave Haruto's life forever after she said goodbye to his hometown, cue Haruto giving her one of these as well as a Cooldown Hug at the end of her speech.