< KimiKiss
This is the Characters Page for the dating game KimiKiss (plus all related media).
Male Leads
Kouichi Aihara
- Composite Character - Inverted in the anime adaptation: he was split into two characters, namely Kouichi Sanada and Kazuki Aihara. Probably justified to give at least two girls their good endings.
- The Everyman
Kouichi Sanada
Voiced by: Satoshi Hino (JP)
- Cannot Spit It Out - To Yuumi
- Composite Character - One half of the original Kouichi Aihara; he gained his appearance.
- Red Oni, Blue Oni - Blue to Kazuki's red.
- Victorious Childhood Friend - To Mao.
Kazuki Aihara
Voiced by: Takahiro Mizushima (JP)
- Composite Character - One half of the original Kouichi Aihara; he gained his soccer skills.
- Fiery Redhead - Not that fiery, but still pretty outspoken.
- Red Oni, Blue Oni - Red to Kouichi's blue.
Love Interests
Yuumi Hoshino
Voiced by: Ami Koshimizu (JP)
- Bookworm
- Break the Cutie - A mild version in the anime, but she still did not deserve to be lead on like that.
- Cannot Spit It Out - To Kouichi
- Derailing Love Interests - In the anime. Kouichi "broke up" with her so that he could be with Mao.
- Hot Librarian
Mao Mizusawa
Voiced by: Haruna Ikezawa(JP)
- Alliterative Name
- First Girl Wins
- Victorious Childhood Friend - In the anime. She's the one who gets Kouichi.
Narumi Satonaka
Voiced by: Kaori Mizuhashi (JP
- Club President - Of the Udon Lovers Association.
- Demoted to Extra - Narumi is one of the love interests in the original game. She quickly became a background character in the anime as well as the manga.
- Genki Girl
- Les Yay - With Nana.
Asuka Sakino
Voiced by: Hirohashi Ryo (JP)
- Bokukko - She is the token "sporty girl" of the group.
- Crash Into Hello - How the protagonist meets her in the game.
- I Want My Beloved to Be Happy - Urges Kazuki to go and be with Eriko
- Red Oni, Blue Oni - In the anime, she's red to Eriko's blue.
- Tomboyish Ponytail
Eriko Futami
Voiced by: Rie Tanaka
- Brilliant but Lazy - Only in the anime. Genius-level intellect... gets 0 on tests because she doesn't fill them out. Subverted in the Various Heroines manga when she did this once for an experiment, but otherwise is very hard working (when she needs to be).
- Cry Cute
- [[spoiler:Defrosting Ice Queen/Kuudere - Started defrosting when she found Kazuki walking towards her apartment, ready to confess.
- Extreme Omnivore: Is referred as "Taste Blind" for eating stuff like berry ramen
- Hime Cut
- Improbably High IQ - Her IQ was said to be 190 in the anime.
- Red Oni, Blue Oni - In the anime, she's blue to Asuka's red.
- Tall, Dark and Bishoujo
- Teen Genius
- What Is This Thing You Call Love? - She "experiments" on our protagonist to find out.
Mitsuki Shijyo
Voiced by: Mamiko Noto
- Arranged Marriage - She's in one.
- Bob Haircut
- Cannot Spit It Out - In the game.
- Demoted to Extra - In the anime. Fortunately, she was redeemed in the manga version.
- Ojou
Other Characters
Akira Hiiragi
Voiced by: Jun Fukuyama
Megumi Kuryuu
Voiced by: Mai Nakahara
- Celibate Hero
- Class Representative
- Cry Cute - She cried at Hiiragi's film.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold - She helps Hiiragi in distributing pamphlets for the indie film.
- Tsundere - Towards Hiiragi.
- Twin Tails
- What Is This Thing You Call Love?: Played with in the OVA
Nana Aihara
Voiced by: Sakura Nogawa (JP)
- Annoying Younger Sibling - To Kouichi (in the game) or Kazuki (in the anime).
- Girlish Pigtails
- Les Yay - With Narumi.
Eiji Kai
Voiced by: Takahiro Sakurai (JP)
- Canon Foreigner
- Jerkass Facade - First few episodes before warming up to Mao-neechan.
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