Kikoskia is a fairly noteworthy English creator of Let's Play videos on YouTube. Some of the strong points of his commentary are his generally amiable personality, whimsical yet snarky sense of humor, tendency to hang lampshades on common tropes and cliches, and almost total lack of profanity or vulgarity. Most of the games he plays tend to be RPGs or Adventure Games, and many of them were originally made for the Sega Megadrive. (He does use an emulator to play them on PC but insists he owns all the games he plays.)
Some of the more notable properties he's covered include:
- Action 52 (Both versions and Cheetah Men II)
- Albion
- Beneath a Steel Sky
- Covert Action
- Daikatana
- Dark Castle
- Deus Ex
- Doom (Ultimate, II, and Doom 3. He's apparently not touching Resurrection of Evil, though.)
- Final Fantasy Adventure (aka Mystic Quest)
- Kirby's Dreamland
- Lands of Lore
- Spelunky
- Stonekeep
- Ultima VII: The Black Gate
- Ultima VII: Forge of Virtue
- Ultima VII Part Two: Serpent Isle
- Ultima VII Part Two: The Silver Seed
- X-COM: UFO Defense and Terror From The Deep
Not to be confused with Kickassia.
This Let's Player provides examples of:
- Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking: In his Let's Play of Daikatana
"She's probably dead. Or worse, evil. Or worse, in this game."
- Bigger Bad: In his Let's Play of Super Mario World (a homebrew game for the Mega Drive, not that one), the fact Bowser is swiftly disposed of only for Mario to fight a slew of other bosses leads Kiko to believe that Barnett the Elephant, the final boss of the game, has been the real mastermind in the Mushroom Kingdom all along. Bowser was just a lackey.
- Big "What?": In Legend of Kyrandia 2: Hand of Fate, Kiko is sent on a fool's quest to pay various questionable people for a trip to the center of the earth. Tnen he discovers that he could simply have had Zanthia jump down an air vent. His reaction is this.
- Brief Accent Imitation: By the time he starts playing Rocket Jockey during his Action 52 Let's Play, poor Kiko is clearly beginning to crack. Hilarity Ensues as he comes up with the character Rocket Jockey McGee, using a completely silly voice, imitating an ridiculous western twang, and delivering commentary that's even more outrageous than the voice and accent put together. It's hardly brief, though.
- Deadpan Snarker
- Downer Ending: Kiko plays challenge variations on the already Nintendo Hard X-Com games. It doesn't end well.
- He gave Enemy Unkown it another go, though, and other than the quick loss of Sub Zero, did MUCH better, actually winning the game. Granted, he didn't do a challenge that time around, but considering how unforgiving these games are, that's hardly something worthy of shame. If anything, it's proof he's still sane.
- Face Palm: In his Let's Play of Dungeon Quest, around the 6:15 mark of the seventh video, you can hear him whapping his forehead--and then he said "That's me faceplanting."
- Gosh Dang It to Heck: Quite often. It's very rare that he actually swears.
- Heroic Second Wind: Kiko's battle with the Cyberdemon in Doom 3.
- In a more meta example, his new X-COM playthrough.
- Lampshade Hanging: If Kiko isn't a troper himself, he certainly knows how to think (and snark) like one.
- Lovable Coward: Poor, poor Drake...
- No One Could Survive That: Lampshaded multiple times in his LP of Mystic Quest, each time with increasing levels of disbelief.
- Kleptomaniac Hero: His version of the Avatar from Ulti-This accusation is entirely baseless.
- Madness Mantra: Time?
- Most Definitely Not a Villain: "Evi- I mean, Batlin."
- Precision F-Strike: Twice, out of hundreds of videos.
"'Do they have guns?' 'No, they all have bomb units, just like you, Jutah' 'We're fucked.' ...That's exactly what they would say."
- Near the end of Temple of Elemental Evil, Video 71:
"Well, we're fucked. And I'm sorry I swore."
- Press Start to Game Over: His Let's Play of Karateka is his shortest--30 seconds from intro to farewell. He plays the actual game for all of 9 seconds, about half of which he stands still at the beginning.
- Rage Quit: He does this with Storm Over The Desert in the Nintendo version of Action 52. The cause of his fury: the game just went on and on and on and ON. It didn't help that the game , just like everything else on the cartridge, sucked.
- And there was Evil Empire before that, which kept giving him lives to subject him to more suck. No wonder he felt so much fury when Storm Over The Desert came along and made things worse!
- Red Shirt: In his X-COM playthroughs, he always names one of his squad members Barry, whose sole duty is to run ahead of the squad and find aliens via getting shot at. After he inevitably dies, another trooper gets named Barry, and the process continues.
- Subverted in his Let's Play X-Com UFO Defense Again playthrough, where his first Barry defies all logic by not only kicking total ass, but manages to live all the way to the very last mission of the game, where he finally dies not to aliens, but a panicked squad member.
- In his playthrough of Star Trek: 25th Anniversary (video game), the caption for his video of his first away mission reads "Who wants to take bets as to how many times I can get the redshirt killed on this mission alone?".
- Running Gag: CHAAAAINGUN!!
- On Ultima VII, his constant reinterpretations of "Rule Britannia."
- *whistling*
- During the second Action 52 playthrough, whenever an enemy got stuck in a glitch... "Hello sir, you appear to be stuck in a glitch. Let me help you." -Shoots the enemy-
- Dance, [character], dance! Dance for my amusement!
- "Bzzzt!"
- Whenever he describes a game as "manly"... it won't be.
- On Ultima VII, his constant reinterpretations of "Rule Britannia."
- Sequence Breaking: A very major case in his Ultima VII playthrough. Lampshaded:
"But Avatar, why are we breaking plot consistency?" Iolo, you don't know that I've been breaking the plot since video 1?
- Testosterone Poisoning: An inverted lampshading--whenever he describes a game as the "Manliest Game Ever", it will likely be one marketed to young girls, or at least be very cutesy.
- This Is Gonna Suck: Kiko's reaction throughout most of Episode Four of Ultimate Doom (at least at the start).
- Final Doom. Evilution. Last Call. Kiko ends up speechless after he screws up a whopping zero times trying to make it through the opening maze by brute-forcing it.
- Through the Eyes of Madness: Both Action 52 playthroughs, especially when he gets to Storm Over The Desert (which never ends).