< Kids Incorporated

Kids Incorporated/Trivia

  • The Danza: Only three or four of the actors did not use their own first names.
  • Directed by Cast Member: Moosie Drier (who played Riley) directed the 1988 episode "Kahuna Kids".
  • Executive Meddling: For whatever reason, the producers decided to remix Stacy's voice as the 1989 season went to broadcast. The result was that most songs had her sounding quite squeaky at times, as this video of the season-opening cover of "Edge Of A Broken Heart" demonstrates: with meddling and without meddling.
  • Keep Circulating the Tapes: The main reason that the show has not returning to TV and/or been released on DVD is twofold: one being the difficulty in clearing the rights to the songs (which, while still difficult, would not be as pricey as these are kids singing them, not the actual artists), while the other is the fact that the show's rights are split between MGM (owner of the actual series), 20th Century Fox (MGM's DVD distributor) and Disney (in possession of the actual videotapes).
  • Retroactive Recognition: You're kidding, that's Fergie?
  • Uncanceled: The first show to jump from Syndication to Cable.
  • Unintentional Period Piece: Considering that the show's list of covers made it a near-soundtrack of the 1980s (and early 1990s); this trope couldn't really be avoided.
  • What Could Have Been: The show went on what was supposed to be a two-year hiatus, have done so once before, in order to rest the show before a massive Retool, include reducing (and in some proposed scripts, completing removing) the songs in each episode, and moving production from LA to Vancouver. However, by the time the show was to resume in 1995, the Season 9 cast declined to return or aged out.
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