< Kick-Ass (film)

Kick-Ass (film)/YMMV

  • Breakout Character: Hit-Girl seems to be the most popular character of the movie.
  • Complete Monster: Frank D'Amico has very few redeeming features. It could be argued that his interaction with Chris and what there is of the wife is a weak Pet the Dog moment, and that even for Chris, he's doing it to weed out Kick-Ass and not because he's supporting his son. His Crowning Moment of Evil comes when he murders an innocent bystander who witnessed him beat and shoot someone he mistook for Kick-Ass. Admittedly, someone dressed as Kick-Ass.
    • Also his great idea of fun is watching a live video of his thugs beating up and torturing Big Daddy and Kick-Ass.
  • Crazy Awesome: Hit Girl, Big Daddy, Frank D'Amico and Kick-Ass himself, for, you know, beating the living manshit out of people while wearing scuba gear.
  • Crosses the Line Twice: A lot more than twice actually. Single scene example: Dave gets stabbed in the gut. The audience winces. He then staggers out into the street and gets flipped by a car. The audience starts laughing.
  • Ensemble Darkhorse: Hit-Girl
  • HSQ:
    • Hit Girl's first fight to the Banana Splits song is pretty high up on the Quotient.
    • All the time from when Hit Girl enters D'Amico's stronghold and ends when she and Kick Ass make an exit with a jet pack.
  • It Was His Sled: The movie makes no secret of the fact that Red Mist is The Mole, whilst it was a twist in the comic.
  • Jerkass Woobie: Big Daddy/Damon McCready
  • Memetic Mutation: The scene of Big Daddy testing the bulletproof vest on Hit-Girl became a popular staple of meme comics because of how disturbing it is out of context.
  • Moral Event Horizon: D'Amico is most firmly established as a complete psycho-ass when he finds out Kick-Ass had nothing to do with his plans getting ruined but still insisted on him being beaten, tortured, and executed on a live webcast. The sheer look of sadistic pleasure on his face and the disgusted look Chris gives him when they're both watching it said volumes about what a Complete Monster he was.
  • What an Idiot!: For the Armenian Kid With A History Of Mental Issues, there's no way wings that size could generate enough lift to allow a person to fly.
  • What Do You Mean It's Not for Kids?: While the theatrical trailers for the film show plenty of foul language, violence, and countless other clues that this is not a kid's film, the television trailers are censored. Because of the young ages of the superheroes, there's a chance some parents may get a nasty surprise if they took their child to see it. Of course, since the title of the movie is Kick-Ass, they'd sort of deserve what they got if they did that, especially since the movie is rated R.
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