< Kevin and Kell

Kevin and Kell/Headscratchers

  • So how come the only apparent source of college education funding is the Easter Bunny scholarship? Seriously, Fiona can't apply for any other scholarships or take out student loans to pay for school? The comic acts as though Rudy and Fiona will need to split the world's only scholarship and then work part-time to pay the rest of their bills. Of course, in regards to loans, Fiona may just not want to go into debt for school, but the comic doesn't even address this at all - it just pretends that if Fiona isn't mind-boggingly rich, she can't afford school (yet Lindesfarne got through without any issues...?)
    • Bad writing.

  • When Martha was temporarily turned human, Lindesfarne was both baffled and squicked by Martha's sweat. Humans are not the only species that sweat: Equine and bovine species both sweat. That Lindesfarne - a biologist by training - would be so weirded out by this is just odd, Rule of Funny or not.
    • Holbrook knows about animals like Stan Lee knew about spiders.

  • Why, exactly, did Lindesfarne HAVE to go confront Desdemona about being a vampire (bat) then and there? Isn't that something that could've waited until after teh wedding? Hell, pull her aside at the reception and talk to her then if it had to be aired out. Rushing over in the dead of night smacks of drama for drama's sake... which is sort of a bad tendency for a scientist to have.
    • It's a bad tendency for a comic to have, but this comic does it routinely anyway. You can call it illogical, but at least you can't call it inconsistent.
    • Wait... I can get behind "rushing over," but both species are nocturnal, which they say often, so the "Dead of Night," thing doesn't really hold up.

  • So exactly how old is Edgar? Apparently a lot younger than Rhonda.
    • There wasn't initially any evidence to suggest that he and Rhonda were not in Rudy's age group at Caliban until Rhonda received a scholarship, which showed her in Lindesfarne's class, and Rachel is probably a year behind Lindesfarne. It's hard to say when or if Rudy will graduate from high school, considering that Lindesfarne has already graduated from high school and college (after skipping some semesters with credit), but I suspect when he does, Edgar will be in his class, unless he gets held back somehow.

  • Did Franklin and Randy get gradually retconned from being the parts of them that remain in Kell and Rudy's memories to being ghosts? In Randy's first appearance, he seems to know about Rudy saving Lindesfarne from the cougars, which happened long after his death and could suggest that Rudy is having an imaginary conversation with him, since he didn't say anything that Rudy did not know or could not have known (He also doesn't apologize for his affair until Rudy finds out about it). However, Franklin tells Kell that her becoming a Herd Thinners executive was his idea, not hers, which surprises her. This could be interpreted as what Kell thinks he believes, but Franklin and Randy eventually Ascend to a Higher Plane of Existence (if they were parts of Kell and Rudy's memories, this amounts to forgetting them), which could indicate that they remain as ghosts with their own memories.

  • I know that Holbrook has a thing for Happily Ever After, but I really appreciated the Bittersweet Ending that happened when Rabbit!Danielle died. Particularly in how George repeatedly grew as a character - the fact that Human!Danielle was fairly quickly thrown into the animal world and turned into a rabbit seemed like a poorly-done Deus Ex Machina so that the George and Danielle relationship could happen, as opposed to George growing up, accepting what happened, and possibly falling in love with a different herbivore.
    • That's exactly what it was. Holbrook can't stand to make any of his babies permanently unhappy... while George would eventually get over it realistically, it would still be a sadness... a kind of failure, if you will. It's not allowed that any of the positively-viewed characters truly fail in anything, so bam, convenient new Danielle.

  • This. I have, for a long time, taken issue with every single joke being explained, even the blatantly obvious ones, and have tried to ignore it, but...just look at the opening panel. Does Holbrook really think we're so stupid that we've forgotten the premise of one of the main characters? And then the last panel...explaining the punchline because apparently with that sort of set-up the joke still isn't blatantly obvious enough.
    • It's not the only comic that does this; Dilbert often uses a similar heading to "remind" readers that the little red cat is "Catbert: Evil Director of Human Resources" despite the fact that Catbert is the most popular character among fans. K&K is just a very "soft" comic, with both the storyline and format targeting a more casual readership than most serial webcomics. (Consider that it also runs as a newspaper comic, and newspaper readers don't have the benefit of past strips or a characters page.)
      • The comic has also probably been done so that people who were tuning in for the first time could follow along. Not everyone would know Coney's nature immediately.
        • But the problem still stands: if you don't know about Coney's nature, the explanation still makes no sense.
        • But that's why the first caption includes the statement Coney the Carniverous Bunny: so the folks just tuning in for the first time know she's carnivorous, and her actions make more sense... how does this NOT make sense?

  • Does it bother anyone else that from what I've seen (and I've reread the entire strip several times) that only identifiably male characters have ever been seen to have died from predation in the comic? I can't find or at least no instance stands out of a female character being killed as prey. The only known female deaths I can really notice (outside of the gags regarding short lived species like mayflies) are in backstory for Corrie's mother dying in childbirth and Danielle's death at the hands of other rabbits for betraying their anti-predator organization.
    • An in universe explanation could be. In male animals tend to tend to take more risks in order to impress more females, as a result males tend to die younger. Also, population growth is limited by the number of females and the predators are sentient so they could be thinking about the future. An out of universe explanation would be humans are animals and on some level hold the same ideals so tend to feel stronger about violence against females.
      • I don't think gender biased chivalry really works in this universe like it does in a human one, though. I think perhaps it depends on the species, and which roles are usually played by which gender. Rhonda, a lioness, once mentioned that she respects her father "for taking on a Hunting job, which iin lions is normally staffed by women to support her". Wolves seem to have the concept of the Alpha Male - but female wolves hunting isn't unusual, so Kell doesn't stand out for being a professional predator.
    • Kell apparently ate Vern and Betty Lopear in the past, and one snobbish prey species couple sits on a seat that puts them on the Caliban hunting field.
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