< Kelly Clarkson
Kelly Clarkson/YMMV
- Awesome Music: The song "Stronger (What Doesn't Kill You)".
- Breakaway Pop Hit: "Breakaway", which was originally released on the The Princess Diaries II soundtrack.
- Ensemble Darkhorse: She was actually this in the early rounds of Idol with Tamyra Grey and Justin Guarini getting the most buzz and attention.
- Fanon Discontinuity: Several of her fans like to forget My December. Her label likes to think of it as Canon Discontinuity.
- Funny Moment: Her guest appearance on Reba as a ditzy weather girl.
- Heartwarming Moment: Kelly sang the national anthem at the 2012 Super Bowl in Indianapolis, a performance which got rave reviews and which Kelly tweeted she had "never been more nervous in her life." Right afterwards she flew to San Antonio for a concert the next day. She went into her hotel room and found a big card signed by all her crew and bandmates congratulating her for doing a great job.
- Hollywood Pudgy: She's not stick-thin, but she's not that overweight either. But the way the media goes on about it, you'd think she was morbidly obese.
- Memetic Mutation: NOOOO! KELLY CLARKSON!!!
-Steve Carell ad-libbing as his chest is actually being waxed in The 40-Year-Old Virgin
- Moment of Awesome: Her rendition of "Stuff Like That There" on Big Band Night on American Idol. It is still regarded as arguably the greatest performance in the history of that show.
- Narm:
Mr. Know It All
Well ya think you know it all
But ya don't know a thing at all
Ain't it, ain't it something y'all
- Surprisingly Improved Sequel: Her second album, Breakaway.
- Tear Jerker: The Because of You video.
- This viral video of young cancer patients at Seattle Children's Hospital lip synching to "Stronger" with and nurses and staff as background dancers.
- The Woobie: Kelly has stated she will never reveal what happened that inspired her to write the song "Irvine", but you immediately want to hug her after hearing it!
- Wangst: Break Up Song's...everywhere.
- Unfortunate Implications: She often mentions how she was the other woman in her old relationship and how her ex boyfriend and now reconciled hubby of the other lady is a good thing.
- I don't think she was aware she was "the other woman" when they were dating or that he was never really over his ex. Kelly implies that he was just using her to get ahead in the industry and realizing that is what really made her angry.
- Also this little song called "Don't Be a Girl about it"
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