Keepers of the Elements
The five chosen Keepers in fairy form.
An Adventure/Fantasy Total Drama Island fanfiction by Akela Victoire that can be read here.
In this story, ever since around the 12th Century, five girls, called "Keepers" are chosen to manipulate the Five Elements: Water, Fire, Earth, Air and Energy. Since then it has been going down the lines until the responsibility falls on five of the Total Drama girls, Bridgette, Izzy, Heather, Lindsay and Gwen. Problem? There's an evil immortal wizard named Radcliffe who wants to get rid of them and thus be able to take over all of existence. Their trainers Marissa, Aideen, Deanna, Akari and Vesta respectively are going to have quite the handful!
Tropes used in Keepers of the Elements include:
- Aliens Speaking English: Most planets except for Spectra. Subverted for most of the Spectrans, played straight for a few others who speak English as a second language.
- Amazon Brigade:
- Another Dimension: Where all the other worlds are located.
- Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking:
- Badass: Several.
- Badass Normal: Leshawna, during the penultimate chapter, albeit with some help. No one wants to be useless, right?
- Bad Powers, Bad People: Alejandro and Courtney
- Bad Powers, Good People: Queen Tiana and Marcus have Necromancer abilities, but are generally nice people.
- Beige Prose: A lot of it.
- Berserk Button:
- A Chapter In The Spotlight: Two of them for the Old Keepers which explore their past.
- Complete Immortality: Radcliffe, Nasira, Hasim, Marcus, Alyssa, Jamilah, Samuel
- Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: Lindsay.
- Lampshaded by Eva after Lindsay wins a fight with Courtney.
Eva: Talk about a secret badass!
- Deal with the Devil: Courtney offers to serve Radcliffe in exchange for powers of her own so she can get revenge on Gwen.
- Double Agent
- Elemental Powers
- Gwen controls the Energy Element which comes from several sources including: Pure Energy, Electricity, Solar Energy and Lunar Energy
- Bridgette controls the Water Element as well as Ice
- Izzy controls the Fire Element.
- Heather controls the Earth Element as well as Plants and Metal.
- Lindsay controls the Air Element
- Elemental Punch
- Elemental Shapeshifter
- Everything's Better with Princesses: Marina, Magalie and Sierra
- Evil Tower of Ominousness: Radcliffe's Lair.
- Face Palm
- Five-Man Band
- The Hero: Gwen
- The Lancer: Heather
- The Big Guy: Izzy
- The Chick: Lindsay
- The Heart: Bridgette
- Great Big Book of Everything: The Elemental Books.
- Human Aliens
- Jerkass: Quite a few, actually...
- Killed Off for Real: Carl, Deanna, the JAAD's, and Radcliffe
- Lampshade Hanging
- Loads and Loads of Characters: So, so much.
- Magical Girl
- Magical Land: Alma, Spectra, Erendor, Nadir, Wispera and Zenith
- Magic Music
- Manipulative Bastard
- Meaningful Name
- Multinational Team: Keepers are usually from several different countries.
- Names to Run Away From Really Fast: NERO.
- Necromancer: Queen Tiana and Marcus.
- Omniglot: Each generation of Keepers inherits this as a secondary ability.
- Our Fairies Are Different
- Our Mermaids Are Different: The Aequori mermaids.
- Our Vampires Are Different: The Spectran vampires.
- Our Werewolves Are Different: The Spectran werewolves.
- Passing the Torch: Each generation of Keepers does this.
- Planetville: Alma, Spectra, Erendor, Nadir, Wispera and Zenith
- Power Glows
- Psychic Link: All Keepers share this within their generation as well as with their own predecessor.
- Psycho Rangers: The JAAD'S, a group of four guys with powers over fire, water, earth, and wind with Anti-Keeper Courtney as leader.
- Red Right Hand: When Courtney agrees to join Radcliffe in exchange for fairy powers of her own, she gets very faint grey markings/symbols on her skin.
- Royals Who Actually Do Something: Queen Tiana is the most prominent example of this. She has been Queen since the age of fifteen and has been balancing school and her royal duties pretty well, even going on to university to study Mechanical Engineering. She also has her own motorcycle track on the palace grounds which is where we first see her in a race with her new boyfriend, Carlos
- Salt and Pepper: Hasim and Nasira
- Also, Milah and Travis
- Sassy Black Woman: Queen Tiana
- Shout-Out
- Spared By The Fanfic: Gwen made it past Australia in this story.
- Take That
- To Twilight
- To Rebecca Black
- To Jon and Kate Plus Eight
- The High Queen: Queen Tiana of Spectra.
- The Mole: Alejandro.
- Three-Point Landing
- Token Minority: Marissa who is black and Akari who is Asian in the group immediately before the Total Drama Keepers.
- Heather herself, who is Asian within the Total Drama Keepers group.
- Averted with The First Keepers. Ichigo is Asian, Madeline is white, Amora is Latina, Marjani is black and Anacaona is Arawak.
- The Kingdom: Specta, Erendor and Nadir
- Took a Level in Badass:
- Took a Level in Jerkass: Courtney. And how...
- Underestimating Badassery
- Voluntary Shapeshifting
- Wham! Episode: Chapter 33
- Zenith Shattering Kaboom
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