< Karma Houdini
Karma Houdini/Web Original
- In Crazy Commentaries's LP of Super Mario 64, the penguins are this. They made the duo search for about 10 minutes to find the penguin that was right at the start of the level, launched the duo off a cliff for trying to throw them off, yelled at them for taking a shortcut, and pushing them off the edge of a racetrack at one particular turn where it is already really hard to get past it in the first place.
- Arguably, the eponymous protagonist of Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog. Arguable because, while he does escape retribution for his crimes and joins the Evil League of Evil, the death of Penny renders it all rather hollow.
- Survival of the Fittest. The Big Bad Danya, who, so far, has managed to avoid any serious repercussions for his crimes (although he was injured twice, and as of v3 seems rather proud of the scars) is definitely one of these. Arguably certain villains also avoid getting their just desserts, experiencing relatively peaceful deaths as opposed to the violent slaughter they visited on their victims. Version three ended up subverting this; JR Rizzolo won the game, but when he got home he found his family had abandoned him. During the events of the fourth season, after he'd managed to become a celebrity, he is murdered in his home by Maxie Dasai.
- As of the ninth announcement of v4, Danya is no longer a subversion, thanks to Dorian Pello.
- In the Whateley Universe, one of the most evil villains we have met so far is Dr. Emil Hammond, a normal who has experimented on and tortured mutants for decades. He was captured, but in a huge 'OJ Trial', his super-expensive legal team (hired by the mutant-hating Goodkind family) not only gets him off but makes it look as if some evil mutant supervillain has been framing the poor man. He gets hired by the Goodkinds as a researcher, and when fourteen-year-old Trevor Goodkind manifests as a mutant, Hammond tortures the kid for days. In another story, we see that Hammond has an entire lab devoted to agonizing experiments on teenaged mutants. Punishment so far? None at all. He has a bigger lab.
- So far, anyway. The overall plot has advanced about one semester out of what seem to be a planned four years; it may be a bit early to claim Houdini-hood for villains who simply haven't gotten their comeuppance just yet.
- The most Egregious example by far is Dad, who was able to avoid having to face the consequences for his inexplicable acts of random violence...by rocking out really hard. Also, his head caught on fire again. Seriously, what's up with that?
- This is Michael-lan's current intended goal in The Salvation War, but as a whole the demons (particularly Memnon) have in effect been let off the hook for their murder, rape, and torture of "undead" Second Life humans... by the modern humans, anyway. The undead, on the other hand...
- Ultimately, Michael's plan succeeds beautifully, but he immediately discovers that he was Out-Gambitted by Ehlmas, and is now doomed to be a meaningless puppet ruler for all eternity.
- The KGB Torture Technician Konstantinov in Special Forces.
- Sarah Genatiempo of Lonelygirl15/LG15TheResistance can be considered here. Not only was she the mole for The Order for the WHOLE DAMN TIME, she also pulls off a Face Heel turn in the finale of the series to date, with no sign of comeuppance in sight, betraying both Jonas and Maggie to their fates
- Though there are quite a few fans who file the whole Resistance series under Fanon Discontinuity, given the sheer Ass Pull nature of the reveal.
- Equestria Chronicles has the notable example of Daedalus. And he KNOWS it. Run.
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