< Kanon (visual novel)

Kanon (visual novel)/Tear Jerker

  • Kanon 2006. Ending of the Makoto arc.
  • The second to the last episode of Kanon 2006. Especially if you've never read any of the manga, visual novels, or seen the first series, like I did.
  • Mai's arc: snow-bunny zoo. That is all.
  • Three little words with the unending ability to induce tears: Happy Birthday, Shiori
  • Anytime "pure snows" plays in the background...
  • This troper was crying while the opening was playing!
  • When Sayuri is injured by a demon and hospitalized, causing Mai to completely break down and even try to kill herself.
  • Even the often-maligned 2002 anime series hits most of the right tearjerker notes, including the Makoto arc, the opening narrations (especially in retrospect or rewatches), and Yuuichi learning the truth about Ayu's past. Particularly touching in all incarnations is Ayu's wish, "I want you to forget about me."

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