Kalifornia is a 1993 thriller / road film starring Brad Pitt, David Duchovny of X-Files fame, and Juliette Lewis.
Brian Kessler works as a journalist who specializes in serial killers. He and his long-term girlfriend, professional photographer Carrie Laughlin, are anxious to get away from the midwest and move out west. Since they can't afford to do this on their own, Brian posts an ad on a college bullitin board to find someone else to come along and share the expenses. His ad is answered by Early Grayce, who, along with his girlfriend Adele Corners, also want to leave the area and move to California. Early and Adele are polar opposites to Brian and Carrie; the latter are college educated professionals, whereas the former are incredibly uneducated, impoverished, unemployed, and low-brow. Unknown to Brian and Carrie, Early is, coincidentally, a serial killer himself. The foursome drive cross-country, making pit stops at famous serial killer locations to help Brian with his upcoming book. Meanwhile, Early leaves a trail of blood in their wake.
- Adult Child: Adele is incredibly naive and childish. She still plays with a yo-yo, for one, and when Carrie tries to reason with her about Early, she turns up the radio.
- It is mentioned in the film that Adele was raped as a teenager and spent three months in a coma. She could very likely be brain damaged as a result, which would explain her childish behavior.
- Thankfully, she starts to realize how fucked up Early has become, but sadly, it's far too late.
- It is mentioned in the film that Adele was raped as a teenager and spent three months in a coma. She could very likely be brain damaged as a result, which would explain her childish behavior.
- Auto Erotica: Early and Adele with Carrie taking pictures. Early himself dosen't mind after he spots her doing so.
- Berserk Button: Really, Early? Did you have to hurt Carrie and piss off Brian?
- Bob Haircut: Carrie. Adele later gets one in the middle of the film.
- Freudian Excuse: Parodied, played straight or defied depending on your interpretation. Its never made all that clear, but Early clearly mocks Brian for bringing it up.
- Grievous Bottley Harm: "This ain't Lucky Lager!!"
- Large Ham: Early
- Playing Against Type: Brad Pitt as one hell of a creepy southern hick.
- Psychopathic Manchild: Early has a lot of child-like tendencies, and he's got the psychopathic part down pretty well.
- Replacement Goldfish Once Early kills Adele in a fit, he dresses up Carrie in Adele's clothing and treats her similarly (by not allowing her to smoke etc).
- Rape as Drama: And when Brian finds Carrie chained to a bedpost, it's enough to send him in a rage, postpone the rescue and attempt to kill Early first.
- Serial Killer: Early qualifies as one.
- Shoot the Dog: Early tries to get Brian to do this, and to a cop no less.
- Society Is to Blame: This is largely the attitude of Brian early in the film, as seen when he argues with a colleague at a party early in the film. His experiences over the course of the film do change his mind somewhat.
- Wall-Bang Her: Happens between Carrie and Brian while in bed with Early listening in on the other side.