KP Legacy
A set of fanfiction written by Luke Danger, set in the aftermath of Kim Possible's grand finale Graduation. Classified by the author as a Deconstruction Fic mixed with Continuation Fic, it takes a look at how advanced technology and magic would begin to affect the world and aims to deconstruct the KP 'verse.
The first (incomplete) installment, Deconstructive Legacy, takes place aproximately three months after the grand finale with Ron heading to Yamanouchi to gain better control of his powers while Kim enters a series of (mis)adventures in the world, working closely with Global Justice and Power Busters Division as well as her usual freelance work. Gemini and Dementor tend to be the villains of the day, while Drakken and Shego take a secondary protagonist role in the story.
A (complete) prequel, Number Two, takes place only one month after Graduation and focuses on Agent Will Du of Global Justice as he contends with his questionable position as GJ's "number one agent" as he is assigned to protect and later rescue fan favorite Wally from Gemini and his Worldwide Evil Empire (WEE) and Gemini's unknown ally.
- Action Girl
- Badass Normal
- Blood Sport: The Henchlympics are a more humane version of this, pitting villainous henchmen against one another in nonlethal bouts.
- Boom Stick: Gemini's agents use them as a weapon of choice.
- Call Back
- Cape Busters: Power Busters Division
- Dark Action Girl: Shego; Ghost and Wraith in Number Two
- Deconstruction Fic.
- Energy Weapon
- Energy Ball: Most magic users seem to have this as a standard method of attack.
- Lampshade Hanging: By pretty much everybody.
- Mad Scientist
- Magic A Is Magic A: A stated goal by the author
- Meaningful Name: Magical artifacts tend to have these in relation to their function.
- Mildly Military: Specters, GJ operatives inspired by Kim's looser style of fighting villains, seem to be this.
- Muggle Power
- Mythology Gag: Events from A Sitch in Time are alluded to in some of the fic's circumstances.
- Neck Snap: Kim does this to a synthodrone in chapter one.
- Oh Crap
- Old Shame: The general plot is spun from the deleted wreckage of his first KP fanfic, according to the author.
- Poor Communication Kills
- Precision F-Strike
- Reasonable Authority Figure: Doctor Director is this, though General Malta from PBD also has traits of this.
- Red Shirt
- Rollerblade Good: Kim still makes use of her rollerblade skates, but even Shego has a set.
- Screw Destiny
- Self-Deprecation: The author takes a few shots at himself.
- Shield-Bash: The shtick of a GJ super whose codename is... well...
- Smoke Shield
- Take That, Scrappy!: Bonnie gets squished under Junior during Kim's infiltration of the Henchlympics.
- What the Hell, Hero?: Kim gets one of these from Sergeant Greens after arriving just too late to save a tank crew from Dementor
- Zerg Rush: The main function for baseline synthodrones.