< K-On!

K-On!/Fanfic Recs

Proof that the remaining 10% is worth dying for here.

These are recommendations made by Tropers for K-On! fanfics, all of which have to be signed to stay on the page. Feel free to add a fanfic of your own to the list, but remember to use the template found here.

You can also add to the current recommendations if you want. Refrain from posting Conversation in the Main Page though; that goes in the discussion page.

Authors and Websites

AdrenaVeris (Fanfiction.net profile)

  • Recommended by ProfessorRude.
  • Almost everything by this author is written in quality that rivals published works. She has written both AU and canon-verse stories but in both cases characterization is always very well handled with the connection to canon perfectly maintained in the former case. Some of the stories feature complex plots that will require the reader's attention, but never leave them utterly confused. A variety of genres are contained within, but almost every story will contain some kind of romance between the girls.

ParadoxBattleZone (Fanfiction.net profile)

  • Recommended by Sirkku Jää Keiju.
  • His "Lucky Stars and Gitahs" series is a crossover with Lucky Star, but it's very enjoyable.

Little Donkey (Fanfiction.net profile)

  • Recommended by A Bad Driver
  • With an amazing repitoire of fictions, she is an amazing writer, with "Winter Month," "Andante," and, her latest, "Masquerade." Each of them features strong characterization, fantastic writing, and simple, realistic plots.

Tastychainsaws (Fanfiction.net profile)

  • Recommended by ObsidianWarrior
  • Probably best known as the first author to combine Lucky Star and Fallout into a single fanfiction, Tastychainsaws has been writing for the section for around a year now, and in that time, has written quite a few fics which can range from witty and sarcastic humor with a few in-jokes (mostly to metal bands or 4chan memes) to spine-tingling and suspenseful horror. His interesting style of writing makes his stories a good read for either kind of audience. It's worthy to note that his lighthearted works are sprinkled with various references to many other anime, video games, and other media if one takes the time to search them out.

General Fics

Stories focused on the Light Music Club and the friendly relationships of the cast. Plot-focused stories or light day-in-the-life stories. Pretty much anything that isn't focused on romance.

Sweet So Sweet by rennah chen

  • Recommended by F1zzyp0p
  • Synopsis: The story explores the inner workings of Yui's mind as she tries to get over her sister's death.
  • Comment: One of the few dark K-ON! fics that is portrayed realistically as well as deconstructs Yui's behavior and lampshades theories while keeping up with its darker elements. Also the imagery is quite detailed, not meant to be visualized by Mio like people.

Shipping Fics

Stories focused on the romantic relationships between the cast.

Gitah by Zokusho

  • Recommended by Sirkku Jää Keiju.
  • Pairing(s): Yui/Ui, Ritsu/Mio
  • Synopsis: Ui finally shows Yui how much she really cares about her.
  • Comments: A sick but sweet Dark Fic.

K-On! Truth or Dare by Zokusho

  • Recommended by Sirkku Jää Keiju (NSFW).
  • Pairing(s): All.
  • Synopsis: The girls are again on a training camp in one of Mugi's summer houses and start playing "Truth or Dare"...

Spiral by Adrena Veris

  • Recommended by kd_nutjob.
  • Pairing(s): All/all, mainly Yui/Azusa, Ritsu/Mio and Sawako/Mugi. Some smut, so beware it may be Not Safe for Work.
  • Synopsis: An AU based on the Listen! ED. Houkago Tea Time is a massively popular band and Azusa, rule-abiding good girls since her youth, is a smitten. By chance of getting a front row seat to one of their concerts, she becomes sucked into their spiral of relationships and music and, most of all, the mystery that is Hirasawa Yui.
  • Comments: Ostensibly a shallow smut-fest with characters jumping each other with reckless abandon, if you hang on with it you soon find an intelligent and complex drama that has spawned massive walls of text in analysis on its review page. Azusa's voice comes through very well and Jun makes a great and sympathetic show as a recurring character. Fairly dark, with all members of HTT hinted to have some major trauma, but engaging all the same.

Rhapsody by Southpaw Swordfighter

  • Recommended by kd_nutjob.
  • Pairing(s): Ritsu/Mio
  • Synopsis: A brilliantly in-character collection of drabbles and slice-of-life examinations of Ritsu and Mio's relationship.
  • Comments: Quite light on the shipping at first, and present tense may grate on some people but Mio and Ritsu, especially as children, are so perfectly in character it's beautiful. The author notably incorporates actual discussion of music into the girls' lives.

Just So You Know by Pervert Dutchman

  • Recommended by Zaraenis
  • Pairing(s): Ritsu/Mio
  • Synopsis: An enjoyable story detailing Ritsu and Mio's relationship.
  • Comments: Written by a friend of mine, and I thought it was very enjoyable. The characters are a bit out of character, but overall I think it's fine. Is this Tropeable?

Quiet Ones Are The Most Dangerous by Mr. Kyon

  • Recommended by Aust Kyzor
  • Pairing(s): Ritsu/Mio
  • Synopsis: An AU one-shot about Single-mother!Mio moving into the apartment next to (and meeting) Ritsu, whereupon Ritsu attempts to take advantage of Mio's skittishness
  • Comments: The Single-mother aspect doesn't really come into play - but otherwise it's enjoyable as a love-at-first-sight type story

Crossover Fics

Stories which crossover with other characters or works.

The Order of the Rose: The Federation Lives Forever! Volume One: "Kick Out the Jams" (and Supporting Documents) by Eyrie Productions, Unlimited

  • Recommended by Looney Toons
  • Crossover with: Undocumented Features
  • Synopsis: K-On! joins the Mega Crossover Undocumented Features 'verse when a demo recording of a half-dozen of Hōkago Tea Time's songs makes its way from Dìqiú (by way of Avatar Korra) all the way into the Big Universe beyond and into the hands of Kaitlyn Hutchins, leader of one of most popular bands of the early 25th-century galaxy, The Art of Noise. But it's only when Genki Girl guitarist Azalynn dv'Ir Natashkan gets it into her head to personally scope out Hōkago Tea Time by going undercover in their school that things start rolling. Of course, the fact that Azalynn isn't human may make the deception hard to maintain...
  • Comments: Somehow Eyrie Productions, Unlimited just keeps seamlessly merging in new works and generating pure unadulterated awesome, year after year. The link above is to Volume 1 of what is promised to be a multivolume work, but works as a self-contained story. For maximum fun, read the Supporting Documents first, but they aren't necessary for enjoying the story at all.
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