< Just Cause (video game)

Just Cause (video game)/WMG

The war isn't over...

With Panay's regime out of the way, Santosi, Iriwan, and Razman are going to fight amongst themselves for control of Panau.

Agent Rodriguez is a T-800.

He gets parts to increase his health. He can chase down cars on foot. He extrudes parachutes at-will. Bullets only barely slow him down. He is capable of adhering himself to ferrous metals using only his feet. He has a grappling hook gun which has far more winching power than its external mechanism can explain, and launches far more cable than it seems to hold. The same rockets that track vehicles track him, but not NPCs. And to top it all off, and most tellingly, he has really cheesy one-liners and a ridiculous accent.

Admit it, you know I'm right.

  • This game is action movie incarnate. That means you have to take all the action movie cliche's into account. Name one thing from that list that doesn't apply to the hero of an action movie.

Tom Sheldon is Rico's father.

Search your feelings, you know it to be true!

The Oil Wars happened because Rico nuked the Panau oil fields

Derp de derp, hurr de hurr.

Rico Rodriguez is some manner of warlock

Rico Rodriguez shrugs off sniper-rifle shots and farts in the face of physics. He is capable of summoning an infinite number of parachutes out of Hammerspace and his grappling hook is clearly some manner of arcane artifact. The evidence is irrefutable, Rico has at least some manner of control or influence over the laws of Time and Space. Either that or he's some manner of Demigod in human form.

The Japanese EMP installation is recent

EMP technology was still a wild dream during World War II and a whole unit of 100-years old soldiers (using modern vehicles and weapons, mind you) seems wildly improbable. Then when you read Washio's intel, you discover than Japan is less than cool with China's rise of power and fear that, if a war occurs, they will be wiped out before NATO and the others react. They have been re-arming themselves and Washio is sent on Panau to both secure the oil field for Japan (giving them an edge over the Chinese) and taking over Panau (or at least, annexing the large Japanese minority) once the Ular Boys will be in charge. The EMP installation is here as a line of defense against the Chinese and the first step of transforming Panau in a huge Japanese stronghold/gas pump.

    • Well all of this certainly makes a lot of sense based on the real world political scheme of things in East Asia but I doubt the writers put that much thought into that island. It was obviously just put there to be one big Lost reference and the EMP was just there to simulate the plane crash that happened in that TV show. The only thing that even makes this remotely possible is the fact that these old Japanese soldiers who logically would be in their 80s and 90s by the time the game is set (World War II started 75 years ago when Japan invaded China in 1937 and ended 67 years ago in 1945) look about the same age as all of the Panauian Military you fight in the rest of the game and that they use modern Military equipment. The stuff about old Japanese soldiers fighting World War II that many decades later (in real life the latest any Japanese soldier was still fighting the war was in the 1970s who had the Emperor of Japan issue an official order for them to stop since the war was already over) was probably an urban legend to scare people away from the island.
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