Jumping Flash

"Robbit can do the job! Let's go Robbit! JUMP AND GO!"

Jumping Flash is a series of games for the Playstation and Playstation pocket. It follows the adventures of Robbit as he fights various villains with essentially the same plan: steal chunks of planets for their personal use. Jumping Flash is a First-Person Shooter that focuses on jumping physics. Or maybe it's a Platform Game in an FPS perspective. Either way, you control a robotic space rabbit sent by Universal City Hall to return the stolen pieces of the planet by collecting all the (carrot shaped) jetpods in each level so that they can fly back to the planet.

Tropes used in Jumping Flash include:
  • 1-Up: Little cards with Robbit on them.
  • Big Bad: Baron Aloha in the first game and Captain Kabuki in the second, until Kabuki is demoted to being Aloha's Dragon in the extra mode.
  • Camp Gay: Captain Kabuki.
  • Double Jump: Robbit can triple jump. Justified, since he has jets.
  • Enemy Mine: The premise of the second game involves Robbit helping Baron Aloha rescue his Mooks and reclaiming his secret hideout from Captain Kabuki.
  • Everythings Better With Bunnies: Because why else would you be a robotic space rabbit?
  • Excuse Plot: A man in a Hawaiian shirt steals conveniently level sized chunks of a planet that happen to correspond to common level themes.
  • First Person Ghost: But since jumping is a big part of the game, you can always see your shadow.
  • Floating Platforms: Most levels are made of little else, with the main level being little more than the largest one. Of course, this is pretty well grounded in the story.
  • Goomba Springboard: You can also bounce off the enemies repeatedly and use them to propel yourself to new heights.
  • Goomba Stomp: Makes up one half of your basic arsenal. And you can shoot the enemies while you're falling toward them.
  • Green Hill Zone: World 1.
  • Heel Face Turn: The Muu-Muus in Jumping Flash 2, due to Robbit rescuing them. They completely become faces after their master starts the whole thing all over again.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Jerk: You'd think Baron Aloha would be at least a little grateful to Robbit for helping him take back his hideout and rescuing his Muu-Muus. Well, he apparently hates Robbit so much, that he makes Kabuki, the guy tearing up his planet to begin with, his Dragon and basically repeats the whole thing all over again just to get rid of him. In the end, his own Muu-Muus want nothing to do with him and tell him off.
  • Killer Rabbit: Now with lasers!
  • Mascot Mook: The Muu-Muus, weird squid-like creatures with small palm trees on their heads.
  • Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot: You play as a Robot Space Marine Jet-Propelled Bunny.
  • Palmtree Panic: Several levels, but it deserves special mention that the Big Bad is named Baron Aloha, and his sidekick creatures have palm trees growing on their heads.
  • Shifting Sand Land: World 2 is an Egyptian flavor of this despite also containing Moai and Stonehenge.
  • A Space Marine Is You: Yes, you're a cartoon robot bunny fighting frogs and flowers, but he is essentially a space marine.
  • The Spiny: Used constantly to prevent you from landing on platforms.
  • Under the Sea: Most of World 4.
  • Villain Exit Stage Left: Baron Aloha uses his 'keen sense of villain timing' to escape Kabuki's invasion.
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