< Jonah Hex

Jonah Hex/YMMV

The Comic Books

  • Iron Woobie / Jerkass Woobie: Hex is not a nice guy, but given the sheer amount of horrible things that happen to him throughout his life through no fault of his own, it's not surprising his disposition's so sour.
  • My Real Daddy: Michael Fleisher took over writing duties for the character from creator John Albano in 1974 and continued to write the character until 1987, when the character's series was canceled. Over this thirteen year period he wrote at least 125 Hex stories over three series (Weird Western Tales, Jonah Hex and Hex), more than any other Hex writer. The Justin Gray/Jimmy Palmiotti writing team might reach comparable status too someday, as they've been writing the character since 2005 and show no signs of stopping.

The Film

  • Acceptable Targets: Southerners, at least if they're Confederate sympathizers.
  • Non Sequitur Scene/ High Octane Nightmare Fuel: There's a brief scene inside an arena where a street fight is being held, and one of the two fighters looks like - we kid you not - a cross between Gollum from The Lord of the Rings and a mountain lion.
  • Complete Monster: Quentin Turnbull without a doubt. Burke as well.
  • Deliberate Values Resonance: An anti-government terrorist plotting to blow up a federal building? Where have we heard of that before....?
  • Funny Moments: The President's men come for Jonah when he's in Lilah's bedroom. His first response?

"Christ, woman, how many men do you see in a day?"

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