< Johnny the Homicidal Maniac

Johnny the Homicidal Maniac/YMMV

  • Co-Dragons: The Doughboys could be this for that thing in the wall...whatever it is.
  • Complete Monster: Jimmy. To elaborate, he develops a sick fascination with Nny, which prompts him to go on a killing spree of his own. This includes murdering his first grade teacher and raping a girl just because she looks like someone he hates. And then he goes over to Johnny's house hoping to be commended.
  • Crack Pairing: Jimmy and Johnny (Mmy and Nny) seems to be quite popular amongst some fans, despite Jimmy being nothing but a caricature of an extremely annoying misguided fan who clearly evokes nothing but disgust in Johnny.
  • Crosses the Line Twice: ...Let's just go with 'a lot'.
  • Crossover Ship: The most common are Squee / Lenore, Johnny / Zim and Johnny / Dib.
  • Crowning Moment of Heartwarming: You have to be slightly demented to be heartwarmed by Johnny, but he has his moments. The best may be the last panel of the comic book,which, while making it clear Nny still wishes for emotionlessness and still kills people, also shows a more optimistic outlook on Johnny's situation and leaves us with the final image of our favorite murder cheerily ordering a Brain Freezy.
  • Ensemble Darkhorse: The "Meanwhile" strips, especially Happy Noodle Boy, to Jhonen's consternation.
    • He mentioned in the introduction to the compilation of Wobbly Headed Bob strips in Squee's Wonderful Big Giant Book of Unspeakable Horrors that "it would seem that [the Meanwhile strips] were some of the most popular parts of the books with readers, often getting more attention than the books' title characters themselves. This angers me, and makes me want to kick strangers in the nuts, regardless of gender."
    • Edgar Vargas. He appears only in one chapter (A four page chapter), dies in that same chapter, but is remembered and loved by many a fangirl. Probably because he's one of the few characters who posses any sort of decency (See the Asshole Victim entry above), and unlike Squee, he's legal.
  • Fan Dumb: In one "Meanwhile" strip, Jhonen Vasquez is attacked by parodies of five different categories of his least-liked fans, and he symbolically annihilates them all.
  • Jerkass Woobie: Nny can be disturbingly good at garnering sympathy from the reader, all things considered.
    • There's just something about a character that does not want to be a monster, but knows they are far too broken to ever be fixed. After committing suicide (he got better), he calls Devi and tells her that, since he will never be safe to be around, he will show his love for her by never going near her again, in a failed attempt to help Devi feel safe again. And when he saves Squee from a rapist, he tries to prevent Squee from turning the man into a nightmare monster... by ripping out the guy's guts to show he is just as human and destroyable as any other man. Nny fails to reassure the kid, but the fact that he was actually trying to prevent Squee's mental scaring... Woobie.
    • ANY time that Nny cries makes him Woobie material. Special mention goes to the Johnny The Suicidal Maniac strips, where he actively tries to kill himself and is portrayed in a sympathetic manner. There's a certain strip where Johnny has a conversation with Nailbunny over how he feels like he's being controlled by The Thing Behind The Wall. He walks down some stairs and says, "I wish...I wish someone would just switch me off and...fix me."
  • Moment of Awesome: Killing a pedophile who was about to rape Squee at just the right moment is arguably the closest Johnny ever gets to one of these.
  • Non Sequitur Scene: That guy Nny captures and force-feeds, because he "hasn't cleaned out his fridge in awhile." He lets him go free and the guy isn't seen again.
    • Three pages into Johnny's Heaven escapades, we get a one-page comic of him in his torture cellar drilling a hole in some guy's head. The next page he's back in Heaven.

Caption Box: This strip had nothing to do with the storyline. Still, it's adorable, don't you think?

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