Joe Sent Me

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    Stock Phrase. Saying "(name) sent me" is the password by which the Bouncer will let people in to some exclusive nightclub, or for people looking for certain illicit goods or services.

    Examples of Joe Sent Me include:

    Comic Books

    • The Joker will announce himself this way even when it isn't called for, hoping that they'll then ask "Joe who?" so he can answer "Joe Kerr!" Most guards do this out of fear, because he will murder them if they don't.
      • In the Azzarello Bermejo Joker graphic novel, he goes through the regular routine, but when the guard asks "Joe who?" he just puts his mouth up near the eye slot so they can see his distinctive smile.

    Fan Fiction

    • In Cat-Tales, the password to the new nightclub Vault is supposed to be "[name of the person who told me about Vault] sent me". Due to a mixup in the early stages, it becomes "Catwoman sent me".



    • Will uses a version of this when infiltrating an enemy camp in one of the Ranger's Apprentice books. Knowing people are less likely to bother him if he looks like he's doing something, he grabs an empty bucket, goes to the kitchen tent, and says "John sent me for water", on the basis that, in a camp that size, there'd be about thirteen "John"s and the cook wouldn't bother asking every one for confirmation.

    Live Action TV

    • In one episode of Heartbeat, they tricked a porn dealer by name-dropping Claude Greengrass. "That's not the kind of name you make up."
    • Lois tried this trope in Lois and Clark, along with "The Eagle Has Landed" and "Swordfish", all with no results. ("That Old Gang of Mine")


    • "Monster Mash":

    When you get to my door, tell them Boris sent you

    • The song "Green Door" by Jim Lowe details the singer's efforts to get into a party behind the named door. When he tries the password "Joe sent me", one of the partygoers laughs at him.

    Newspaper Comics

    • One of the Garfield comic strips used this: "Iggy sent me." "Sorry, that was last week's password."


    Just knock three times, and whisper low
    That you and I were sent by Joe

    • In Wonderful Town, Violet Shelton's clients use the password "Marty sent me." Unfortunately, some of them don't know her address has changed.

    Video Games

    • In Mass Effect 2, you have to name-drop Jaruut to enter the VIP section of Afterlife.
      • Then subverted in Kasumi's loyalty mission. The guard phones the person you name and learns you aren't actually authorized to enter, saying "nice try". To actually convince him to let you pass, you need to hack into the communications system so Kasumi can give the guard authorization from the other side.
    • Subverted in Quest for Glory II. To meet Aziza, she will ask you who sent you to her. There are various good answers (Keapon Laffin or Rakeesh), but she will then ask you a question relating to that person to make sure you've actually met said person.
    • In Flashback: The Quest For Identity to get false papers Conrad tells Jack that Ian sent him (he did).
    • You can't get into a particular room in the first Leisure Suit Larry game until you give the password, "Ken sent me." The name "Ken" is a reference to Ken Williams, founder of Sierra On-Line. In the original version of the game, some people tried substituting the name of another important guy who worked for Sierra, typing in "Al sent me." That also worked.
    • In the NES Adventure Game Nightshade, you can access the Pyramid Club by making friends with the food vendor nearby. His brother is a chef who oversees the back door.

    Real Life

    • An annual Roaring Twenties themed fundraiser at Salt Lake City's Catholic high school is called Joe Sent Me.
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