< Joe Dirt
Joe Dirt/YMMV
- Crowning Moment of Awesome: Clem telling Kid Rock that he'll "stab him in the face with a soldering iron" if he talks down on Joe again. It might not seem too awesome, until you realize who's playing Clem...
- Crowning Moment of Funny: Joe's daydream about launching Roman Candles at an "Atom Bomb".
- Crowning Moment of Heartwarming: Joe realizing who his true "family" was.
- Brandy tells Joe that his parents didn't abandoned him, he left them.
- Iron Woobie: Joe keeps upbeat in spite of all the crap he takes from so many people.
- Moral Event Horizon: Joe's parents didn't lose him at the Grand Canyon. They just left him. The only reason they wanted to see Joe again was he had become famous.
- Ms. Fanservice Just look at the poster.
- Squick: The "meteor" Joe finds at one point during his travels as well as the "A-Bomb"
- The Woobie: Joe, who is constantly treated like shit pretty much throughout his life and turns out to have extremely unloving parents.
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