A Gag Dub of Jem and The Holograms, created by "Sienna D'Enema".
Currently has 13 videos to its name:
- Jiz!!! and Jiz Sequel, two series of shorts based on the public service announcements in Jem
- The Abortion Episode
- Jiz and the Mammograms
- Chrissie - Dreams of a Cum Catcher
- It Gets Worse
- Laura - Taking it up the Chocolate Yahweh
- Jiz is on Twitter @jizismyname
- Jiz Presents: Bye Bye Ba Nee
- Colonic
- Jiz - A Very Special Drug Episode
- Abortion Remix
- Kimber is a Dirty Lezzie
Needless to say, this series is NSFW.
Worth noting that Samantha Newark, the original voice of Jem, is aware of the series and thinks it's hilarious.
- Actually Pretty Funny: Inverted.
Kimber: At least have the motherfucking decency to insult me with jokes that are actaully fucking funny.
- Ambiguously Gay: Coupled with Ambiguous Gender. Depending on the short, Jiz could be a straight woman, a lesbian, or a gay man. Maybe Jiz is a trisexual hermaphrodite.
- An Aesop: Most of the Starlight girl-centered installments seem to have a "lesson" at the end...or Jiz discussing the lack of one.
- Black Comedy Rape: "Oh my God, don't rape meeeee."
Aja: If I do not get high, I'll remember the rape. [beat] Oh my God, I was raped!
Shana: "No" means "Yes" in Jamaica, mon.
- Catch Phrase: Ba Nee says "Eat my pussy" so much, she gets killed for it.
- Coming Out Story: Kimber in "Kimber is a Dirty Lezzie." Jiz is so homophobic that Kimber ends up marrying Ellen Degeneres in an attempt to be accepted.
- The Chew Toy: most of the girl's in Jiz's sex trade, except Chrissy
- No one really likes Ba Nee. To the point where Jiz feeds her to bears.
- Laura aka "Shitty Panties." After being ridiculed (and most likely molested) by Jiz, she escapes to join a group of fundamentalist Christians who are also horrible to her.
- Ashley gets dynamite put into a very uncomfortable place and gets blown up when Jiz forgets to rescue her.
- Children Are a Waste / Dead Baby Comedy: On the Pro-Life vs. Pro-Choice debate, Jiz is neither. She's Anti-Life.
- Defiant to the End: Ba Nee
- Embarrassing Nickname: Ever since the commercial videos, Jiz simply refers to Laura as "Shitty Panties."
- Everybody Has Lots of Sex:
- Everyone Is Bi: Played for Laughs.
- Everything's Worse with Bears: Ba Nee gets eaten by a group of them, thanks to Jiz.
- Facing the Bullets One-Liner:
Jiz: So, any last words?
Ba Nee: Just three: eat my pussy!
Jiz: I'll kill you!
- The Fundamentalist: Laura belongs to a group.
- Gayngst: Parodied but ultimately Defied. When Jiz harasses Kimber for coming out as a lesbian, Kimber isn't taking any of it. Also defied in "It Gets Worse"; being gay doesn't suck, growing up does.
- Good Girls Avoid Abortion: In the world of Jiz, refusing an abortion and having a baby is the "bad" choice. It's not that it is the more moral choice, it's just that Jiz will kill you if you refuse. She really likes abortions.
- Hell: Apparently the Miami from "Golden Shower Girls" serves as this to Jiz's world.
- I'll Kill You!: Jiz threatens this a lot.
- Larynx Dissonance: Jiz sounds a lot like Nathan Explosion
- Lampshade Hanging: Jiz frequently comments or complains about the trippy Jem and The Holograms music video sequences. Of course, in the Gag Dub, she's usually high anyway.
- Magical Computer: The Electronic Drug Dealer.
- Mushroom Samba: Laura steals Jiz's stash of angel dust to get closer to Jesus.
- Politically-Incorrect Villain: "I don't hate you because you're Black; you're Black because I hate you."
- Public Service Announcement: It Gets Worse
Hey guys, it's me, Jiz. I've got a messege to all you pansies and bullldaggers out there...that are all getting bullied at school and shit...and you're thinking about killing yourselves. Well, I've got something to tell you: It gets worse. That's right, you're gonna grow up and get a job, and its gonna suck. And then your gonna get a relationship, and it's gonna suck. And your gonna get old and fat and wrinkled, and it's gonna suck. Yeah. life sucks! But you know what doesn't suck? Gay sex! Gay sex is fucking awesome. I mean, you're gonna grow old, and your life's gonna be pitiful and stupid, [cue music] but at least you can look back and remember the fucking gay orgy that you had. There's still gonna be all those memories to beat off to. So, I mean, if your gonna kill yourelf, do it because life is fucking retarded, not becasue you're a fucking queer. God!
- Punctuated! For! Emphasis!: see Toilet Humor
- Refuge in Audacity: The whole series. Just...all of it.
- Religion Is Wrong: Jiz claims Christianity is "a disease that kills millions."
- Just like Jiz!
- Sex Sells: Jiz gets away with her abortion activity by having two of her girls make out for the man pressing charges.
- Subverted Kids Show:
- Stealth Pun: Harriet Upfucker.
- Toilet Humour: "Shitty panties!"
- The Unintelligible: The Shitfits. Stormer's getting better, though.
- Unstoppable Rage: Chrissie unleashes this upon Jamal, drowning him.
- Verbal Tic: Kimber's tendency to say "motherfucking" nearly every other word.