Jim Butcher

Jim Butcher is a fantasy author, best known for writing The Dresden Files and Codex Alera. His books are notable for their high levels of genre savviness, Crazy Awesomeness, and Shout-Outs, as well as the frequency of Crowning Moments of Awesome, Funny, and Heartwarming.
He has also written a Spider-Man novel, entitled Spider-Man: The Darkest Hours.
He is now a big enough name that recommendations from him show up on the covers of other writers' novels, and other writers do Shout Outs to him.
You should read his stuff. Yes, that means you.
- Badass Long Hair: Unfortunately, not anymore. As Jim himself explained it once, his hair went out crime-fighting one night and never came back.
- One of Us: It shouldn't be surprising, but not only was he directly inspired by Star Wars novels as a kid to become a writer, he's also an avid gamer.
- Running Gag: At every public talk Jim gives, someone is bound to bring up the publishing/adaptation rights, prompting him to quip "My publisher still owns the rights to that for N years and M days... not that I am counting."
- Not anymore, he's got the rights back.
- Springtime for Hitler: Once upon a time, Jim Butcher was the unsuccessful author of High Fantasy novels that was told by the teacher of his writing class that, seeing as he liked Anita Blake and Buffy so much, he should write a novel like those using that teacher's method of book creation.
Jim Butcher: When I finally got tired of arguing with her and decided to write a novel as if I was some kind of formulaic, genre-writing drone, just to prove to her how awful it would be, I wrote the first book of The Dresden Files.