Jikuu Senshi Spielban
Jikuu Senshi Spielban (Dimensional Warrior Spielban), premiering in 1986, was Toei's fifth entry in the "Metal Heroes" franchise of Toku shows.
Klin is a beautiful planet blessed with an abundance of fresh water. And it is because of this wealth that WAHRER, a warring empire, invades the planet and ravages it for its liquid wealth.
Two years later, with nearly no water or natural resources left on their planet, the survivors pin their last hopes on two children and send them to Earth, a planet with similar environment to Klin. These two children are Spielban & Diana.
12 years after their arrival, they finally wake up from their sleep. Receiving the knowledge of the history and culture of Earth, they continue their growth as soldiers.
Then, the Wahrer empire approaches Earth, with the intent of raiding Japan for its water. To stop them and to protect the planet, Spielban & Diana stand up to them, but deceptions, lies, heartache, and the painful truth awaits the two of them...
This is one of the series Saban used as source footage to create VR Troopers.
- Action Girl: Diana and Helen
- Apocalypse How
- Armies Are Evil
- But Not Too Foreign: Diana's mom is white but she is Japanese...
- Big Bad: Emperor GuillotineOr is it?
- Cosmic Retcon / Reset Button: Defeating Wahrer completely negates the events of the series.
- Do-It-Yourself Theme Tune: Spielban's dad sings most of the songs for the series.
- Dolled-Up Installment: In Brazil, it was released as "Jaspion 2", pretending to be a sequel to a fellow Metal Hero who was a huge success in the country.
- But, in a subversion, he was still called Spielban (or rather, "Spielvan") there.
- The Dragon: General Deathzero
- Earth All Along: In the Twist Ending, Klin turns out to be Earth in the future, and Spielban and Diana were really sent through time rather than space.
- Fling a Light Into the Future: At first seems to be of the spatial variant. Turns out to be a temporal variant.
- Heel Face Turn: Helen
- Hey, It's That Guy!: Ichirou Mizuki is Spielban's dad, Shozo Iizuka is General Deathzero, Machiko Soga is Pandora.
- Spielban is Sharivan.
- Luke, I Am Your Father: Dr. Bio is Spielban's dad.
- The Man Behind the Curtain: Pandora
- Meaningful Name: Wahrer=pun on water.
- Shout-Out: Spielban's name is a reference to Steven Spielberg, continuing the pattern of naming Metal Heroes shows after film personalities.