Jibber Jabber
Jibber Jabber (link to the main site here) is a Canadian CGI animated series that premiered in 2008. The premise of the show is fraternal twins Jibber and Jabber use their wild imaginations to embark on the kind of imagination-induced adventures every child has, in their backyard. Then the perspective switches to the point of view of their dog, Jelly Roll, and their older sister, Jessica, reminding them that This Is Reality.
The series is also infamous due to the main characters being quite creepy.
No relation to Mr. T, sadly.
Tropes used in Jibber Jabber include:
- Butt Monkey: Jessica.
- The Faceless: Jibber, Jabber and Jessica´s parents.
- The Igor: Several fantasies involve Jibber and 'Dr. Jibberstein' with Jabber as his loyal hunchbacked assistant 'Jabgor'.
- It Runs on Nonsensoleum: Every fantasy occurs until either their sister or the dog pop them off.
- Mr. Imagination: Times two.
- Narm Charm: Whether is it the animation or the imaginative adventures they go, the series is replete with this, or just be...
- Nightmare Fuel: Due to the character design and any episodes involving monsters for that same reason.
- Our Monsters Are Different
- Uncanny Valley: Excluding the character design, when suddenly a real-life person shows up into the television screen of the household, the results aren't pretty, to say the least.
- The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything
- The Voice: The parents again.
- Wicket Series
- X Meets Y: Essentially, the series as a whole can be described as Phineas and Ferb meets The Backyardigans.
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