< Jesus Was Way Cool

Jesus Was Way Cool/Playing With

Basic Trope: Jesus is portrayed as a laid-back, friendly, all-round Nice Guy who just wants everyone to be friends.

  • Straight: God is shown to be a vengeful, jealous patriarchal figure, but Jesus disapproves of his methods and is best friends with all mankind.
  • Exaggerated: Jesus is a skateboarding, skydiving, kung-fu fighting badass.
  • Justified: The work illustrates the trope using only genuine quotes from the New Testament.
  • Inverted: All the other mythological characters are more-or-less decent and well-meaning, but Jesus is a cruel and judgemental figure.
  • Subverted: Jesus seems to be Way Cool on first appearance, but it soon turns out he's got his Old Testament side as well.
  • Doubly Subverted: ...however, that's just a show to impress the clergy, and it kind of embarrasses him to have to keep it up.
  • Averted: Jesus is an aloof and reverent figure, preaching goodwill but remaining clearly detached from humanity.
  • Deconstructed: Jesus turns out to be an overly easy-to-please slacker, and as his followers come to realise this they leave the church in droves for faiths with more authoritative and dignified figureheads.
  • Reconstructed: ...but still others are attracted to his genuine nature and evident love of the world and humanity, and he gains a whole new set of followers, inspiring people to take an interest in religion they'd never had before.
  • Parodied: Jesus raps, wears sunglasses and a backwards baseball cap, is a Jive Turkey, and spreads the gospel by going around Judea on a skateboard. Everyone gives him weird looks.
  • Enforced: "Kids these days don't empathise with the paternalistic view of Christ, we should make him Totally Radical!"
  • Lampshaded: "I never thought Jesus Christ would be this much fun!"
  • Invoked: The church uses a happy-clappy modern reinterpretation of "Buddy Christ" to gain followers.
  • Defied; "You think because I preach brotherly love I don't believe in self-restraint and following the rules?"
  • Discussed: ???
  • Conversed: "Another Way Cool Jesus? I mean I know the guy was nice, but it seems like everything that portrays him nowadays has him as some ridiculous cool-dude figure"

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