< Jellyneo Altador Cup Vii
Jellyneo Altador Cup Vii/Characters
All the characters who appear in Jellyneo Altador Cup Vii; appropriately placed into folders named after their Roleplayers. Inactive players will eventually be removed, however!
Antola Maeir
Antola is considered one of the heroes of the roleplay. He is often known for his magical abilities and, although alongside Derly
- Bishonen
- Blue Eyes
- Deadpan Snarker: Heavily downplayed as of late, but has caused himself problems before due to his sense of sarcastic humour.
- Heterosexual Life Partners: With Zax. Doubles as Blood Brothers.
- Hachimaki
- Playing with Fire: His primary magical ability.
- Pyromaniac: While not necessarily Ax Crazy, he does have to hold off of staring in awe at flames when they haven't even been caused by someone with good purposes.
- Why Did It Have To Be Heights? So much as hanging and looking down from 15 feet in the air is deathly scary to him, and falling from a high height (usually in a avian vehicle) only accelerates this fear.
- Trademark Favorite Food: Chokatoes.
Zachariah "Zax" Bannet
- Keet
- Spiders Are Scary: While not as abused as Antola's Acrophobia and Mirsha/Derlyn's Aquaphobia, Zax is stated to be deathly afraid of Spyders.
- Trademark Favorite Food: Cookie dough ice cream.
Zenor Kevix
- Face Heel Turn: Despite his contributions to the side of good the year before, he has recently given in and become a saboteur after finally standing up to Derlyn and how she often treats him.
- Fragile Speedster: Even his official profile on Neopets claims that he's extremely fast yet weak.
- Shorter Means Smarter
Foltaggio Grelinek
- Butt Monkey: The official one of the roleplay. Even he hurts himself at times when he does something wrong (although considering what happened to his wife when he crossed the line, this has thankfully become downplayed).
- Furry Baldness: More so as a preference than from old age, however.
- Living Emotional Crutch: He is definitely one of these for his wife, Mirsha.
- Happily Married: To Mirsha.
- Pint-Sized Powerhouse
- Sleepyhead: Has a tendency to snooze off at random times, and occasionally can even fall asleep at will.
Garven Hale
Vela Binal
Vere Polnicek
Fenny Vail
Ruko Yokune
Mirsha Grelinek (nee Fonnet)
- Anti-Hero: Anywhere between Type I-Type III depending on her mood.
- Attention Deficit Ooh Shiny
- Sarcasm Blind
- Brainy Brunette: Mirsha might as well be the smartest person you'll ever meet. Her hair also happens to be brown.
- Cloudcuckoolander: While Downplayed as of recent, she still does do this at times.
- Fragile Flower
- Genki Girl: Like Cloudcuckoolander, this is still a trope about her, but it's been Downplayed recently.
- Happily Married: To Foltaggio.
- Hysterical Woman: She fits this trope pretty well, being a easily-scared Genki Girl.
- Living Emotional Crutch: Her husband, Foltaggio, is one of these to her.
- Nervous Wreck
- Purple Eyes
- Shipper on Deck: She is one of these, for Slash Pairings, most of the time.
- Trademark Favorite Drink: Neocola
- The Atoner: She was the first villain in the Canon of the roleplay and inspired "Squeaky" Tressif to be the Big Bad in the previous roleplay.
- Why Did it have to be Tight Places/Water/Being Alone?
Derlyn Fonnet
- Anti-Hero: Type V
- Ax Crazy
- Big Eater: She has complained about being hungry.
- Blind Without'Em: Thanks to [1] , she legally is blind [2] , although she does seem to wear glasses, so it isn't too bad.
- Disproportionate Retribution: Very much so. She abused Zenor because she thought that he didn't care about the fact that she got hungry easily.
- Even People of Questionable Morality Have Standards: She is arguably a Villain Protagonist, but she definitely dislikes the saboteurs and Wicked Rocket.
- Fiery Redhead
- Hair-Trigger Temper
- L Is for Dyslexia: She has dyslexia and dyscalculia.
- Lethal Chef: She is one of these because of the above trope.
- Tantrum Throwing: She throws things both as a weapon, and as a way to vent her frustration.
- The Napoleon: She is short, in height and in temper.
- Tsundere: To say the least, it's very brutally Deconstructed to the point where she's a Domestic Abuser.
- Unstoppable Rage: If you see her throwing heavy objects and yelling, she's probably in one of these. Too bad this is common.
- Why Did it have to be Water?: She is, to be specific, afraid of drowning, but still has a general fear of water.
Xana DiLanche
Sela Pretore
Rinok Fitel
Dorina Hals
Bertie Shurtz
Krell Vitor
Xila Kitae
Jurin Tookes
Fizzy Wafflez
Minae Mitora
- Only Sane Man: While there are plenty of other sane characters, this generally applies since the main person he is compared to is Tico.
Tulah Kisner
- Berserk Button: She seems to have a lot of these.
Tico Tems
- Crazy Prepared: Apparently he brought supplies in case of a mutant petpet invasion to a sport event. That is one of several examples.
- Deadpan Snarker
Caleb/Ultimate Life Form
Yoris Obbles
Aldric Beign
Lor Benneveldt
Kep Bonnefie
Mor Gollog
Alexandria/Valka Sparks
Valka Vickles (nee Sparks)
Hassow Tsukimura
Dark Heric
Elbin Kroe
Wan Dirx
"Squeaky" Tressif
Tonie Plessix
Konata Izumi
Vonde Cayle
Lilo Blumario
Derbi Azar
Keetra Deile
Babolino Ambrose
Wyett Tuggins
Weldar Xupenfarb
Gordo Gunnels
Valtonous Rea
Feldon "Dinksy" Collibridge
Erli Quinnock
Luvea Trivon
Lamelle Turrow
- ↑ Which states that any vision worse than 20/200 is blind regardless of correction
- ↑ Her vision is stated to be 10/200 by Word of God
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