Jedi Mind Tricks
Pictured from left to right; Jus Allah, DJ Kwestion, Vinnie Paz
Jedi Mind Tricks is a Hip Hop group consisting of DJ/producer Stoupe The Enemy Of Mankind, MCs Vinnie Paz and Jus Allah, and occasionally DJ Kwestion. The group was founded by Stoupe and Paz (who was then known as Ikon The Verbal Hologram), two high school friends from Philadelphia.
Jedi Mind Tricks have so far released the following albums:
- The Psycho-Social, Chemical, Biological & Electro-Magnetic Manipulation of Human Consciousness (1997)
- Violent by Design (2000)
- Visions Of Gandhi (2003)
- Legacy of Blood (2004)
- Servants in Heaven, Kings in Hell (2006)
- A History of Violence (2008)
- Violence Begets Violence (2011)
Not to be confused with the trope Jedi Mind Trick.
Jedi Mind Tricks provides examples of the following tropes:
- Angry Black Man: Jus Allah.
- Badass Boast: Too many to count.
- Blasphemous Boast: Too few songs to count in which this trope doesn't appear.
- Conspiracy Theorist
- Cluster F-Bomb
- Even Bad Men Love Their Mamas: Vinnie.
- Faux Affably Evil: "I murder you and laugh," among others.
- I Have Many Names: Ikon the Verbal Hologram, Vinnie Paz, Louie Doggs, Vinnie P, The Pazmanian Devil, Pazienza, Frank Vinatra, Vin Jong Ill, Rumplestiltsvin, Muhammad Al Vinejahd, Vin Laden, Vintendo 64.
- Large Ham: Vinnie Paz has been known to come off as this.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Despite being quite the Jerkass, Vinnie has a few Pet the Dog moments under his belt.
- Long Title: The Psycho-Social, Chemical, Biological, And Electromagnetic Manipulation of Human Consciousness.
- Lyrical Dissonance: Most notably, the Micky Ward mix of Animal Rap, which features a sad-sounding beat with a depressing vocal sample... with Kool G. Rap and Vinnie Paz talking about murder and general violence.
- I Against I counts as this as well; a smooth, calming instrumental playing over hardcore lyrics about, among other things, crushing your skeleton to fucking gelatin.
- Nightmare Fetishist: Vinnie Paz.
- Names to Run Away From Really Fast: Stoupe the Enemy Of Mankind. Game. Over.
- Also, practically every one of their album titles.
- Pet the Dog: "Shadow Business" and the first verse of "Trial of Lies" come to mind.
- Red Baron
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: Vinnie Paz, the loud, hotheaded rapper; and Stoupe, the quiet, seldom-brought-to-attention beatmaker.
- Saying Sound Effects Out Loud: Just see for yourself.
- Sampling: Stoupe loves sampling for his beats.
- Villain Protagonist: This is, after all, hardcore hip-hop.
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