< Jak II


  • Complete Monster: Metal Kor. Baron Praxis also counts, although he's a just slightly lighter shade of grey than Kor.
  • Even Better Sequel
  • Fake Difficulty: Sure Jak II's more difficult than the previous game, but a lot of the difficulty comes from really cheap tricks: trial and error -gameplay, long sections with plenty of instant deaths but no checkpoints, timed missions with zero room for errors etc.
    • It is entirely possible the game was a bit rushed to meet the release date.
  • Fake Longevity: One could argue that the mission-based structure leads to a lot boring and repetitive driving from one location to another, especially when the hub city is built to be such a maze that the drive distance between those locations is often unnecessarily long.
  • Fridge Brilliance: In the part of the game where you storm the palace, and when you leave the small conference room near the baron's throne room, ever wonder why you're greeted with a turret stationed outside? Simple--the Baron uses that to assassinate his rival diplomats when they leave!
  • Good Bad Bugs: There is an interesting "glitch" where if you remove the disc during the opening cutscene, and hold a shoulder button when you reinsert it, the game pops you up in a near-fully programmed Sandover Village (although you have to select "Restart Mission" in order to move around)--however, the game has large empty void in place of the Forbidden Forest, Sentinel Beach and Fire Canyon. This "glitch" was intentional, by the way--why else would you find Krimzon Guard crates full of Dark Eco laying around for the taking?
    • Maybe because the crates were in the same places as the scout fly crates and they use the same model name (since Sandover was probably just copied from Jak and Daxter).
  • High Octane Nightmare Fuel: The boulder/giant spider chase sequence in Mar's tomb.
  • They Changed It, Now It Sucks: There are a small number of fans who were not happy with the Darker and Edgier turn that the series took with this game.
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