Jacob Two-Two (animation)
Jacob Two-Two is the central character in an animated TV series produced by Nelvana, which is loosely based on a series of children's books created by Mordecai Richler.
Jacob Two-Two is the youngest of five children and gets his nickname because he often says things twice since no one hears him the first time. The first book, Jacob Two-Two Meets the Hooded Fang has been filmed twice (pun not intended), and there are references to it in the animated series.
The animated series was put on hiatus in 2005, after running for 61 episodes. It has since been revived.
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Tropes used in Jacob Two-Two (animation) include:
- Adults Are Useless - Partly averted. Master spy X. Barnaby Dinglebat is helpful, at least. And Jacob's parents are pretty sharp.
- The Ahnold - One-time Terminator parody Mr. D. Fender.
- Almighty Janitor - Leo Louse, Principal Greedyguts' omnipresent henchman
- Alter Kocker - Jacob's grandfather
- Ambiguously Jewish - The rest of the family
- Brother-Sister Team - The Fearless O'Toole and the Intrepid Shapiro (twins Noah and Emma) of "Kid Power"
- Could also be considered as The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything, part-way, at least.
- Canada, Eh? - To make this series more Canadian than it already is, you'd have to dress up the entire cast in RCMP uniforms.
- Cloudcuckoolander - Buford
- Cool Old Lady - Mrs. Sweetiepie
- Embarrassing First Name - Principal Greedyguts' first name is Ignatz.
- Embarrassing Middle Name - Buford's full name is Buford Orville Gaylord Pugh.
- Four-Fingered Hands
- Freudian Trio:
- Ego = Jacob
- Superego = Renée
- Id = Buford
- Gentle Giant - Gary, the Hooded Fang's alter ego.
- Gratuitous French - As you'd expect, Renée does this all the time.
- Groundhog Day Loop - "Jacob Two-Two's Time Trials"
- Honest John's Dealership - Carl Fester King
- Mad Scientist - "Old Man Leduc" looks the part (complete with Battle Butler), but he's really a veterinarian.
- Magic Feather - Gummer Gormley's hockey card
- Massive-Numbered Siblings - Jacob is the youngest of five.
- McNinja - The Librarians!
- Meaningful Name - Lots of the adult supporting characters: I.M. Greedyguts, Miss Sour Pickle, Mrs. Darling Sweetiepie, Auntie Goodforyou, Sergeant Law and Corporal Order, Mrs. Bountiful
- Meganekko - Renée
- Jacob's mom
- Mundane Fantastic
- Our Prime-Ministers Are Different
- Punny Name - I.M Greedyguts
- Robot Girl - Ann in "Renee's Rival"
- Sadist Teacher - Principal Greedyguts and Miss Sour Pickle, both of whom look and act like they're on loan from a Roald Dahl book.
- Stronger Sibling - In a way. Principal Greedyguts' identical twin Y. B. Greedyguts, who, despite his goody-two-shoes introduction, turns out to be even more evil.
- Three Amigos - Jacob, Buford, and Renée
- Villain Team-Up - In one episode.
- Vocal Evolution - By the end of the fifth season, Buford's voice actor has aged so much that his voice is pitched up to make him sound younger.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair - Daniel. He's just cool that way.
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