< JLA-Avengers


  • "A battle ravaged Superman standing red-eyed with Cap's shield, chipped and cracked, along with Thor's hammer, which is radiating power giving the reader the "So, who wants to slam dance with the first born son of God?" look as he stands on some patented Perez rubble. It sticks out from the rest of the series and makes the buyer want to read the comic." (Michael Bailey, JLA/Avengers #4 review)
    • Seconded, especially because it makes perhaps the best image possible: DC's oldest and most iconic hero is leading the final charge, yes, but he needs the most recognizable objects in Marvel to do it. A good way of pleasing both fanbases while being incredibly awesome.
  • This Troper is fond of "Oh, that arrow? Last one I had. A T.N.T. arrow."
  • Hal Jordan returns as The Spectre once Krona is defeated, forcing the twin Earths apart with his bare hands. Even Captain America (comics) is... impressed.
    • Hal Jordan's speech at the end of #3. Out of everyone there, he has the furthest to fall. And out of everyone there, he argues the hardest to Save Both Worlds. Someone get that man a miniseries.
      • I guess Green Lantern: Rebirth fulfills this purpose.
  • Props to the above three moments, but for this troper, it's the scene where the JLA tours Marvel-Earth, and Batman spends the entire scene telling everybody via J'onn's telepathy not to interfere, that they should just observe and move on - until Batman stumbles over the Punisher attempting to shoot some drug dealers. Batman's immediate response? Spend twenty minutes beating the stuffing out of the Punisher off-camera, and get chewed out by Plastic Man after-the-fact. Also counts as a Crowning Moment of Funny.
  • Superman is being beaten by 5 of Marvel greatest superheroes. (She Hulk, The Incredible Hercules, Vision, WonderMan and Iron Man). This Looks Like a Job For Aquaman ! (and the sea dragon he summons)
  • Flash and Hawkeye, both noted as being the comedy relief of their respective teams, saving the day.
    • Even more awesome comes after this. Because of his actions, Hawkeye has been inducted as a member of the Justice League. Yes, Hawkeye, a Marvel character, now a member of DC's premier superhero team.
  • The moment when Captain America and Batman stopped fighting and decide to team up to find out just what exactly's going on. Or in other words, the foremost Badass Normal tactical supergeniuses of the Marvel and DC Universes[1] teaming up to fight the bad guys. Really, at that point, the bad guys had already lost; all that remained was how close a thing it would be.
  1. Or slightly-above-normal in Captain America's case...
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