Itsuka Tenma no Kuro Usagi

"The Devil's Black Rabbit of an Unknown Time.", aka, "A Dark Rabbit Has Seven Lives."
Kurogane Taito is a freshman in Miyasaka High. Being rendered unable to perform karate due to an accident, he believed himself to be a normal guy. But an accident that should have killed him occurred. And the lost memories of a childhood love with the vampire, Most Ancient Sorcerer, Saitohimea, came flooding back from nine years ago. Soon he was once again plunged into the mysterious, with the destinies of their allies and foes already woven and foretold in an ancient prophecy of epic proportions.
Based on a Light Novel by Tayaka Kagami, it has an ongoing Manga illustrated by Shiori Asahina, and an Anime series for Summer 2011 produced by ZEXCS. It also has a Spin-Off series, Kurenai Gekkou no Seitokaishitsu (Gekkou Kurenai's Student Council Room).
- Absurdly Powerful Student Council
- A.I. Is a Crapshoot: Magical version happens at episode 4 & 5. And it's on the level of SHODAN.
- To elaborate, in episode 4, Himea is revealed to have a male personality called Bahlskra, made by Himea herself in order to ward off her loneliness. It goes apeshit over Taito by taking over Himea and attempts to kill Taito multiple times.
- In episode 5 the rapture (or Bliss, depending on the translation) spell, also made by Himea herself sometime in the past, goes Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds over Taito. Much of the episode 5 is spent on Taito's attempt to recover Himea's true personality, despite endless attempts of seduction to the point of Himea being fully naked last half of the episode.
- Bland-Name Product: The soft drink Dr. Cinnamon.
- Breather Episode: episode 12. MUCH Hilarity Ensues, especially on the guys' part.
- Cursed with Awesome: Kurogane Taito can only be killed SIX times (the Seventh time will kill him for real) and Fifteen minutes after the first death they reset again.
- Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?: Eldritch Abomination are almost regular Monster of the Week in the series.
- Did You Just Romance Cthulhu?: Two of the lead female characters are extradimensional entities.
- Die for Our Ship: In-universe -- Taito/Haruka shippers (read: all their classmates) are more than willing to give him Death Glares if he refuses to eat her lunch and/or make her cry.
EAT IT!!!!!
- Enfant Terrible: Hinata.
- Evil Twin: Hinata, to Gekkou.
- Eldritch Abomination: Featured so much. Though for now, except for the Tenma, suffers from Monstrosity Equals Weakness.
- Episode 7 has an evil wish granter that would give Kyuubey a run for his money.
- Expy: Saitohimea is a composite expy of several Touhou characters.
- Her Multicoloured Hair and her backstory is reminiscent of Byakuren Hijiri, and her character design in the light novel is reminiscent of Yuu Kamiya's (Yuu Kamiya is illustrating the Light Novel and several Touhou artwork and manga) drawing of Reimu Hakurei. Her princess like outfit even resembles Remilia at a glance.
- Meanwhile many did not notice that Mirai kind of looks like Ran Yakumo (when she is powered up) or Chen.
- Gag Penis: in episode 12, Nyankichi, Taito's Familiar, conveniently lands in front of Taito as Scenery Censor for the latter's jewels.
- Gender Blender Name: Hinata, who is a guy.
- Genki Girl: Mirai. Also a Cloudcuckoolander.
- Good Is Not Nice: Gekkou.
- Good Thing You Can Heal: Taito must be killed seven times before he stays dead. So in any fight against any opponent, you can put good money on him dying at least six times.
- Idiot Hair: Himea.
- Immortality: Taito has a type VI (Immortality only) version of immortality.
- Immortal Life Is Cheap: Taito is given an powerful fire spell by Himea that is normally forbidden since it is as lethal to the wielder, but in his case...
- Innocent Fanservice Girl: Mirai is the series premiere source of Panty Shots.
- Insufferable Genius: Gekkou.
- Jerkass: Gekkou. He has some Pet the Dog moments though, more shown in the manga.
- Justified Extra Lives: The main strength of Taito.
- Laser-Guided Amnesia: Hinata's magic makes this happen to Taito in regards to Saitohimea until Taito receives his first fatal accident.
- Let's You and Him Fight: Taito and Himea vs. Gekkou and Mirai in episode 2, until Hinata arrives.
- Mood Whiplash: Happens from the beginning to the point of instant HSQ. Cute girl confesses her love. Then It Got Worse happens.
- Multicolored Hair: Himea, Haruka, Mirai and Aomi - basically an instant indication that a character is non-human or at least unusual, yet goes unnoticed by everyone around them.
- Named Weapons: Gekkou's sword Spell Error.
- Oh Crap: Taito gets a hilarious one when he finds out that the two Spell Breakers that antagonized him previously are now his new classmates.
- Our Angels Are Different: The Tenma, who can also be called the Seraphim.
- Our Vampires Are Different: Saitohimea's description is read as "Most Ancient Sorcerer".
- Our Zombies Are Different: Taito is effectively an undead.
- Patient Childhood Love Interest: Haruka. Not so much though after episode 8, though she apparently likes to use the "sad face" facade too much.
- Phrase Catcher -> Catch Phrase:
To Gekkou: "Who do you think you are?"
Gekkou: "A genius."
- Power Dyes Your Hair: Mirai.
- Power Nullifier: Spell Error.
- The Power of Love: discussed in episode 11.
- Prehensile Hair: Mirai.
- Rapunzel Hair: Mirai and Saitohimea.
- Red Eyes, Take Warning: Taito and Himea have these.
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: Mirai and Gekkou respectively.
- Required Secondary Powers: inverted, Taito's immortality effectively becomes one when Himea gives him a second, more offensive ability: the power to wield Cursed Flame with his fists.
- School Uniforms Are the New Black: Gekkou is always seen wearing his school uniform.
- Self-Made Orphan: Hinata killed his parents.
- Shock and Awe: Mirai.
- Shipper on Deck: THE ENTIRE CLASS ships Taito/Haruka.
- Aomi, meanwhile, is a Himea/Taito shipper.
- Skunk Stripe: Hinata.
- Identical Twin ID Tag: it's one way of distinguishing him from Gekkou.
- Those Two Bad Guys/Sibling Team: the Spell Breakers Hasga and Serge Entolio, until they pull a Heel Face Turn, rendering the former trope moot.
- Tsundere: Gekkou towards Mirai is a rare male example of Type A. Otherwise he's just a Jerkass to everyone else.
- Violently Protective Girlfriend: yes, she granted him immortality, but Himea still doesn't like it when Taito gets hurt, even when Professor Kurosu justifies it as "training".
- White-Haired Pretty Boy: Taito's is light blue.
- Yandere: Saitohimea when she has the "Bliss" spell take over her personality (As detailed in the AI is a Crapshoot above).
To Taito: "Do I have to kill all the women who distract you?"
- You Cannot Grasp the True Form: The Tenma.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair: Saitohimea's hair goes from purple to blue... And no-one bats an eyelash. Did I mention it sparkles?
- Zettai Ryouki: Mirai.