< It Never Gets Any Easier

It Never Gets Any Easier/Playing With

Basic Trope: A character in a profession that deals with death never really builds up a tolerance to death.

  • Straight: Dr. Thomas Roper, despite having been in the medical profession for years, still gets broken up every time he loses a patient.
  • Exaggerated: Every time it looks like a patient might be in the slightest danger, Dr. Roper starts sobbing inconsolably and it gets worse every time.
    • Thomas can't stand seeing people die... even though he's a hitman whose usually responsible for most of the deaths he sees.
  • Justified: He's a doctor who's proud of his skills - he doesn't like to lose patients if he can't.
  • Inverted: Dr. Roper is a pediatrician or some type of professional who would be expected to have tact. Instead, he's as cold and callous as possible.
  • Subverted: He was only broken up about one case because he knew the person who was dying.
  • Double Subverted: ...At least, that's the justification he gave to his coworkers...
  • Parodied: Dr. Roper yells out "IT NEVER GETS ANY EASIER!" every time he loses a patient, then goes about his business as if nothing had happened.
  • Deconstructed: Dr. Roper is completely ineffectual as a doctor because he's always getting too emotionally attached.
  • Reconstructed: Dr. Roper tries his best to keep his emotions in check until he can get alone.
  • Zig Zagged: Some cases still hit him pretty hard. He takes the others very well.
  • Averted: He's pretty well-adjusted.
  • Enforced: "Those idiots watching this medical drama wouldn't sympathize with the main character if he didn't tear up after every lost patient!"
  • Lampshaded: "No...not again! Why...why do my patients keep dying?!"
  • Invoked: Dr. Roper's mentor was a Jerkass who prepared him for the physical part of being a doctor, but not the emotional part.
  • Defied: "It may be painful now, but if I want to succeed at this, I'm going to have to accept that death is a part of life."
  • Discussed: "Oh god, Roper lost another one. Here come the waterworks."
  • Conversed: "You'd think by this point in his career that he'd built up some tolerance to the emotional pain that comes with death."

Oh god, why? It Never Gets Any Easier to edit tropes!

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