< Invasion America

Invasion America/YMMV

  • Complete Monster: The Dragit is the military commander of Tyrosh and the Evil Uncle of the emperor Cale-Oosha. When he makes an attempt to overthrow Cale, Cale manages to escape, ending up on earth where he fathers a son named David. Upon learning of them, the Dragit attempts to murder the baby and his mother. Installing a secret base on the moon, the Dragit reveals his plan to use a weapon to have asteroids bombard America, causing countless deaths, until the country gives in whereupon the Dragit will continue the process with every nation on earth, killing millions until the human race gives in. When David is captured in the finale, the Dragit opts to personally attempt to murder his great-nephew, his rhetoric about saving Tyrosh a front for his own cruelty and lust for power.
    • Jian Hong, Agricultural Minister of Greater China, stages an attack on an American oil rig to gain favor with the Chairman and discredit his rival. After convincing the Chairman to invade Alaska, leading to the deaths of thousands, Jian assassinates him to take power. Using his network to install a puppet government in Mexico, leading to the nation being stripped of food, he goes on to launch an invasion of America, triggering a third World War. Objective-minded, Jian sacrifices over two million of his own soldiers to destroy an American tank plant. To keep America isolated, Jian increases tensions between them and Germany by staging a nuclear terrorist attack. Shipping missiles to Mexico, Jian has them launched at America, killing a million. Upon being invaded by a joint force of American and Russian soldiers, Jian forcibly drafts civilians as frontline troops. When the Australians revolt against his tyranny, Jian punishes their uprising with a genocide killing seven million of them. Even as his own country is torn apart by the war with America, Jian stubbornly refuses to surrender his power, murdering almost his entire government for failing to find him a solution for the war he brought on.
  • High Octane Nightmare Fuel: Literally. The entire dream sequence from episode 5 made this troper not want to sleep for three days.

Creepy Mob: Kill him! KILL HIM!

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