< Invader Zim

Invader Zim/Nightmare Fuel

This Invader Zim page is full of spoilers. If you fear spoilers, walk away now.

  • The infamous scene in "Bestest Friend" in which Keef has his eyes plucked out by robotic arms. Even if it is all shown in silhouette, via a shadow cast on a nearby building.
  • "Bad, Bad Rubber Piggy," which features Zim crippling and then murdering Dib as a child over the course of years. Zim's response is to calmly walk away, drinking a soda. An excellent way to remind us that, deep down, Zim can be a Complete Monster.
    • Zim throws rubber pigs into Dib's past, replacing seemingly random objects in ways that cause Dib to have horrible accidents, progressively crippling Dib and making him more grotesque in the present, until he dies in the past and his father builds a super-powered robot body to protect him.
    • The episode was originally planned for Dib to die, as in Killed Off for Real dead.
    • Seeing a horribly scarred Dib in that robotic suit coming to horribly kill Zim. Is there any part of that that isn't scary?
    • At the end of that episode, Zim sends the final piggy into the past, only for it to replace his past self's BRAIN.
    • It's not really the worst behavior Zim's ever demonstrated, but the rapt, gleefully anticipatory look on his face as he watches the life go out of Dib's eyes — with accompanying flatline beep — is creepy on a personal level that he doesn't often reach.
  • In the Halloween episode, that Surprise Screamer Shot of that hideous monster with those big eyes during Dib's 'crazy house' bus ride? Not to mention that everything in Nightmare World is actually just a spawn of Dib's imagination. Nightmare Membrane and Nightmare Gaz are the worst of the bunch; Nightmare Membrane, while kinda cool looking, has a terrifying moment of capturing his son while his goggle eyes pop out of his skull, and his hands are replaced with metal claws. And then there's Nightmare Gaz, who's hunched over, skeletal, has More Teeth Than the Osmond Family, and has no bottom jaw.
  • "Dark Harvest." It isn't that he steals people's organs. It's that he replaces them. Here's the list: a liver replaced with a hall pass that Miss Bitters has already specified will explode if the student leaves campus. A brain replaced with a can of soda so the poor receptionist can only foam at the mouth. Kids in the cafeteria have objects in place of their other organs. Gaz's beloved game is implanted into her side (she's still playing it). And Dib? You just have to see the end of the episode to how he turns out. Just check the whole nightmarish thing out here.
    • Zim them literally stuffs his own body with the stolen organs. Complete with a few of them spilling out. And instead of implanting the organs or anything like that...Zim eats them.

"Yes, you're a very healthy child! And such plentiful organs!"

    • The sudden surprise shot of Zim's organs with the X-ray and Dibs Organ-vision, complete with Scare Chord.
    • In a dark room, after Dib leaves, it gives the room a 'window shutter opening' light effect, twice in a row. The first time, the huge bloated Zim sits there smiling, and half a second later, he's gone.
    • Dib's drawing of Zim being dissected. If that weren't bad enough, Zim's fully conscious and his organs are pooling out of his body and onto the floor. Complete with what looks like blood!
    • Dib decides to stick to a boy named Torque Smacky who hasn't lost any organs yet to prevent Zim from stealing a pair of lungs. They enter a dark room where Dib turns around for one second & Torque disappears. We hear something drop & we see one of the dumbbells he was holding roll out from a corner. Cut to Dib yelling out the kid's name.
  • The moment in "Backseat Drivers" at the end when the brain parasite escapes and eats Zim's brain. It's even more terrifying when coupled with the fact that Zim explicitly stated that the parasite was capable of causing pain unlike any other form of known pain. Sweet dreams kids!
  • "Bolognius Maximus," where Zim and Dib slowly turned into bologna. Especially the scene in which the bologna is slowly mixed with Zim's skin. And the part where their bodies look swollen.
  • It can be a little unnerving to see GIR lifeless and blank-eyed after his brain gets transferred into the computer in "Invasion of the Idiot Dog Brain."
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