< Interstellar


  • Cooper is asked to a parent-teacher conference about Murph. It turns out that she's brought in a book that references the space program as something other than a wasteful failure, which is seen as socially undesirable. Cooper, being a former aerospace engineer and astronaut-in-training, takes offense to this. The result:

Murph: So how'd it go?
Cooper: Got you suspended.
Murph: WHAT?!

  • Most interactions between Cooper and TARS, but from the end, when Cooper is servicing TARS:

Cooper: Set humor level to seventy-five percent.
TARS: Seventy-five percent confirmed. Initiating self-destruct in ten...
Cooper: Better make that sixty-five percent.
TARS: ...Knock-knock?
Cooper: You want fifty-five?
TARS: Sixty-five percent confirmed.

  • Upon waking up at Cooper Station, Cooper expresses surprise that they named a space station after him. They didn't -- it's named for Murph.
  • Afterward, he watches a little-league baseball game. The batter hits a pop fly...it goes up...and up...up to the other side of the cylinder...where it breaks a window.
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