< Instant 180-Degree Turn
Instant 180-Degree Turn/Playing With
Basic Trope: Characters are able to turn around instantly.
- Straight: When sprites in Troubles at Molydnoid turn around, their sprites are flipped instantly.
- Exaggerated: Including the second boss, the Great Robohydra who otherwise moves extremely slowly.
- Justified: All the characters in Troubles at Molydnoid have a special power of rotating themselves as fast as they can.
- Inverted: All the characters in Troubles at Molydnoid take dozens of seconds to turn around.
- Subverted: ???
- Double Subverted: ???
- Parodied: Most of the characters start tripping over themselves or each other.
- Deconstructed: Most of the characters start deliberately avoiding turning as much as possible because they start to suffer from injuries caused by turning around that fast.
- Reconstructed: ???
- Zig Zagged: ???
- Averted: All the sprites in Troubles at Molydnoid turn around realistically.
- Enforced: Creators don't want to waste time on characters' turning animations.
- Lampshaded: "You know, for a creature that slow, you really seem to turn around fast."
- Invoked: ???
- Defied: ???
- Discussed: ???
- Conversed: ???
- For Laughs: See parodied
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