Inspector Spacetime/Tear Jerker
- James Haggard's character development as he comes to terms with his pansexuality. Having been raised in a conservative home, and forced into becoming a military man, James' troubles coping with who he is has won the show multiple awards.
- Jeffrey's death. Just Jeffrey's death.
- Patricia Taylor dying in Lily's arms in "Mother's Day", considered one of the most emotional episodes of IS.
- Camilla Sea succumbing to the Deviant Strain. Her body begins to glow and pulsate as the Inspector can only watch powerless.
Camilla Sea: Oh God, it's happening, Inspector. I can feel it, I can feel everything. I am slowly dying!
'The Inspector: I'm so sorry Camilla, I---there's nothing I can do.
Camilla Sea: (nearing hysterics) It's not fair Inspector, me and Reginald.. I saw our wedding, I saw our children, this isn't possible! How...?
The Inspector: The Time Deviants are walking Temporal Paradoxes. They are the impossible made possible. The past becomes an unreliable memory. The present, a fluid yesterday and the future, a constellation of chaos.
Camilla Sea: When you see Reggie (tears begin to fall) lie to him. Tell him his Scottish Princess was brave. Lie to him Inspector...Promise me. Tell him I wasn't afraid; tell him that.
The Inspector: Brave heart girl, you are not alone.
Camilla Sea: Inspector. Why can't I stay?
The Inspector can only watch in horror and sorrow as Camilla Sea explodes into Trans Dimensional Morphic energy leading to her new more alien Time Deviant form.